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Status Replies posted by Pinsir99


  2. So, if I made a dwarf, what would I really do first?

  3. Thank you to all who watched the stream, heres the finished piece : http://fav.me/d70iyzi

  4. 150 people online...no gm's. *facepalm*

  5. Guys, if you want an event, pm an et, we get bored to .-.

  6. What is the best guild to join for fun combat

  7. I was thinking of going to Abresi and call myself Batman.

  8. I was thinking of going to Abresi and call myself Batman.

  9. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: When is Heaven's Renewal celebrated?

  10. Anyone else notice the trend of parent eating orcs being switched out for father was a master blacksmith? I didn't know I had so many chilluns.

  11. Anyone else notice the trend of parent eating orcs being switched out for father was a master blacksmith? I didn't know I had so many chilluns.

  12. living on the edge

  13. Wouldn't it be nice if the players had access to the name/lore plugin? It would take a load off the GMs back, and give the players more freedom, but in the same light I suppose it would wreck the economy and allow massive powergaming.

  14. Okay, new status. Name some prominent Godly Characters, such as Aeriel, Iblees, etc.

  15. Okay, new status. Name some prominent Godly Characters, such as Aeriel, Iblees, etc.

  16. Okay, new status. Name some prominent Godly Characters, such as Aeriel, Iblees, etc.

  17. I need an extremely prominent Character in LoTC's lore!

  18. I need an extremely prominent Character in LoTC's lore!

  19. I need an extremely prominent Character in LoTC's lore!

  20. I need an extremely prominent Character in LoTC's lore!

  21. I need an extremely prominent Character in LoTC's lore!

  22. I need an extremely prominent Character in LoTC's lore!

  23. I need an extremely prominent Character in LoTC's lore!

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