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Status Replies posted by ScreamingDingo

  1. Alkenaar here, and I posted this just to see if I can beat the 30 and counting comments below w/out spam. Ready.... Go.

  2. I just learnt we can get TWO warnings for one mistake O.o

  3. And may the odds be ever in your favour!

  4. WHY do people keep bumping old posts?! Honestly, is it THAT hard to read through a topic before bumping something five months old and totally irrelevant?!

  5. Almost finished uploading my second mod cimplation, working on Vanus's now...

  6. If anyone is good with skins please message me. If you make me one their will be a reward :)

  7. What do you guys think the fastest way to get banned would be~

  8. Not going to be online for a little while. Perma-killed Herudo and refuse to play him again, waiting to muster up some cash to reset. Sucks being broke.

  9. So... how 'bout them kittty-cats roamin' the world of Asulon now?

  10. Stupid writers block..............

  11. So people that know me...I won't be online until thursday because yeah..Got grounded :P.. Prepare for my guild idea soon aswell...


  13. FM application got denied...I feel like a failure...

  14. Anyone up for some villain app reading?

  15. I'm happy to report that Jake (Mithas) is on track to make a full recovery and will be back home soon

  16. Anyone els having problems logging in with 1.1? Is it because of modded cliants? I can play offlline fine.

  17. Anyone els having problems logging in with 1.1? Is it because of modded cliants? I can play offlline fine.

  18. I want the community to pick mah new character~ So it is the most rich rp experience for you all :P

  19. And so, I almost complete my mission to push GrimReaper all the way from Solance's Inn into Dawn's Bakery

  20. Seen these around on facebook...comment on this status and I'll give you a rating out of 10, and something I like about you

  21. Unbeleivable, I just RP'd and... ENJOYED IT?!?

  22. Unbeleivable, I just RP'd and... ENJOYED IT?!?

  23. You guys all wish you had my amazing beats, and my amazing song I just made. -To Hyp- Yes, being a good DJ is another thing that gets the chicks.

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