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  1. I'm happy to report that Jake (Mithas) is on track to make a full recovery and will be back home soon

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. xmin



      Good job doctors and Jake

    3. xmin



      Good job doctors and Jake

    4. Skippy


      Woot! Cannibal is back~~~!!! Yaya!

  2. Wow...You are a great person.

  3. My god... my bloody god. Doctors forced me out of the hospital room to work on him. HE IS ALLRIGHT! It's a miracle I swear, he was dead for a good 5 minutes the doctor said, I simply am astounded!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. TeaLulu


      I hope he keeps up, our thoughts are still with him. its a long road to recovery!

    3. danic


      Come on, I can't let a fellow Jake fall! Stay strong Jake, our hearts go out to you, I hope you make a full recovery and make those MOTHER F*CKING TW**S WHO DID THIS TO YOU LIFE A LIVING HELL! Just remember, once you get better, your family is there, all of us is here, We all are here for you...

    4. Haelphon


      OH MY GOD, Speedy recovery to him. I'm so happy to hear that he returned.

  4. Jake just died... he just flatlined... doctors are bringing in defibrillators

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    2. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      No, nononononono! Not another! ******* damnit. Why does this **** happen? I hope whoever did this bullying, knows he just got a kid killed.

    3. CBBro


      I'm so sorry for your loss if he does pass, but there's always a chance for him to survive.

    4. Coaster


      What's his last name?

  5. I have the upmost respect for you for informing the LoTC community about this. I don't know your brother, but I'm keeping him in my thoughts, as we all are. I hope for the best~

  6. If it was wanted, I would literally come to where-ever the bullies lived and teach them a thing or two about the pain they have inflicted, no matter the distance.

    And if needbe, I would "educate" them on pain in general...

    Sorry if my response is extreme, but this **** hits me in the core due to me sharing an experience similar to this...

  7. You're a very good person to be supporting your brother like this. ;)

  8. I'm repeating myself because the status went away, because I need answers, (I'm sorry if it's not aloud because I've never been here before) But to summarize my brother Jake Tyler Sullivan (Mithas/Jakiesan) was frequently bullied to the point where he overdosed on antidepressants, doctors don't think he will make it to be frank, and I'm extremely pissed, he's been in and out of consciousness and begged me to tell you guys about this on his hospital bed

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Haelphon


      I'm so sorry to hear that. Let's hope he gets better,

      We all send him our love.

    3. Bircalin


      Jake is a wonderful guy. No doubt we'll see him soon.

    4. Justin1980


      I made a post in General discussion, please check it out and show support

  9. Prayers for my dear brother Jake Tyler Sullivan (Jakiesan) He overdosed on antidepressants last night, and is in the hospital in bad condition. He begged me on the hospital bed to let you guys know of this, so I made an account to do so. It is to my understanding you all knew him well.

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    2. Justin1980


      ^^status updates checking right now.... crap, he still mentions no names

    3. JoakimVonAnka


      If he had any friends in his class I'm sure they know. His teachers maybe know if someone acted unfriendly on him.

    4. Ergent Seth

      Ergent Seth

      Tell him to stay strong. We're all here for him. I haven't known him personally, but I still know his pain. Stay strong yo, we're here.

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