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Status Replies posted by Aislin

  1. Dat feeling when your getting ready for work and wish somehow that you didn't have to go in...

  2. I wish somebody would be Arik's romantic other :(

  3. A full rewrite of lyrics to Maeghan's song has yielded an almost perfect song...Contemplating posting...

  4. *Eye roll* Time to watch the Ban Report section for Butthurt Renatus'ians

  5. I feel like cleaning up guild section, warning those who constantly post in OOC ~ according to the Forum Rules, no OOC in Guild Section ^^

  6. Good day so far. Test got moved to Wensday. Thank Iblees. (cwhutididthar?)Still have an essay due...5 days ago. or 6. Idunnoanymore :

  7. Good day so far. Test got moved to Wensday. Thank Iblees. (cwhutididthar?)Still have an essay due...5 days ago. or 6. Idunnoanymore :

  8. That weird feeling when you quote Liri in your German exam. o_o

  9. Dat feeling when you wake up after 2 hours of sleep, to go into work, only to realize you dont need to be in for another 6 hours...

  10. Lol no uni for me today. It has absoloutly noting to do with the fact i was drinking yesterday... nope none whatsoever

  11. New character on my alt account, need some ideas.

  12. Seriously about to cry and have a breakdown. School is too damn hard. I can't do this...

  13. Seriously about to cry and have a breakdown. School is too damn hard. I can't do this...

  14. Seriously about to cry and have a breakdown. School is too damn hard. I can't do this...

  15. Seriously about to cry and have a breakdown. School is too damn hard. I can't do this...

  16. Seriously about to cry and have a breakdown. School is too damn hard. I can't do this...

  17. Seriously about to cry and have a breakdown. School is too damn hard. I can't do this...

  18. Ton of new trading companies going around.

  19. Ton of new trading companies going around.

  20. Ton of new trading companies going around.

  21. Salvus will burn, we tryed to reason with the queen and she ignores us!

  22. Thanks for the podcast fun you guys

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