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Status Replies posted by Aislin

  1. Achievement get! Make a mark in history of lord of the craft

  2. I think someone ga e me a bad user rating for ddfending the Mori's actions in a thread. >_>

  3. Working on this fantastic world! You shall enjoy it!

  4. Syrila has given birth to nine cubs

  5. So I ooced *faints when I saw Native. And he rped with me. For a brief moment, our characters touched. *faints again

  6. Skrillex, Aviccii, Mord Fustang, and Wiz Khalifa all performing where I live. On the same day... SO EXCITED!!!

  7. It seems that the male side of the lotc community like boobs... interesting *takes down notes*

  8. If you'r happy and you know it say troll.

  9. Coming to 10 days of patience on My VA :3

  10. ARGGHGHG! "Uploading Finished" *clicks link* "Your video has been remove dbecasue it was to long". Isn't the length limit 20 minutes on YouTube? D:

  11. I would LOVE to be a member of the Lord of the Craft server, please do except my application.

  12. Anyone likes the idea of Undeads bashing Galaderp tonight after the Purge bashed it?

  13. My app is being reviewed right now! I'm excited! :d

  14. *sees 3 ban reports on the same person.

  15. how do u apply for membership

  16. Caught a flyhacker, out of the 2 of us, we didn't catch screenies in time, we saw he was an orc, we chased him, he SS'ed, we ran all the way from Alras to Krugmar just to hand out street justice lol (Tell him not to use it) but he logged. Okay.jpg

  17. Having fun doing drop parties all around Aegis! and seeing people fight for the stuff! xD

  18. Having fun doing drop parties all around Aegis! and seeing people fight for the stuff! xD

  19. I feel like my RP in the Mage's Guild is getting better and better..... Booyah! And ask me OOC to be in the mage's guild you will be turned down. :P

  20. Finally finished my Gm app~

  21. Hello! If you are reading this, it means I have officially declared my account inactive. I am rather tired of LOTC and I am taking an extended, possibly permanent, break. Thanks for reading! Bye now!

  22. You voice an idea and suddenly everybody seems to flame!

  23. Gonna do a lil' choppin' 'n stabbin' 'n Galahar REEL soon.

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