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Status Replies posted by Aislin

  1. Seventh got super drunk at my inn and bought ALL the apples. Cha-ching?! xD

  2. Anyone who wants to have a baby ingame? I would RP as it...

  3. I have finally made a gm app... http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/43076-the-application-of-blundermore-to-become-a-gm/ tell me what you think of it! Give your support or grievances!


  5. Thank you, LotC, for making my experience extremely meta'd. Big shout out to Ascella too n_n

  6. So I met an Arcane Investigator today, we explored the Crypts that I care for as the Gravekeeper, he was telling me about some dangerous dark mages he was hunting, he told me to be careful, I said "I would tear out their throats before they can speak an incantation", I then smiled showing my filed teeth, he suddenly pulled up a weak mana shield and said "I hunt dark mages not vampires!" amidoingitright?

  7. Why is nobody voting?!

  8. Noticed a region with red-ish hair in my beard. What have I ever done to deserve this?

  9. This week's like a good house song. It's slow at the start, in the middle creates anxiety, on Friday it's the build up. Friday afternoon's the drop, and the rest is amazing.

  10. 7:45 pm and I am in uni... I could have went home 3 hours ago but I ended up browsing the forums .__.

  11. Susitsu is my girlfriend now.

  12. I come to you, LOTC community, with but ONE question. Which name is cooler. Triblade, or Three blade. Tell meh plz? Plz tell meh. Seriously, Red Moon Triblade, or Red Moon Three Blade?

  13. We have dropped to #16 on Minestatus... I'd really like to encourage everyone to get on your cases about voting. It's something I have a daily routine to do, and they even give you some minas for doing it! There's really no reasons not to. http://minestatus.net/6317-the-lord-of-the-craft/vote

  14. Life as a Mori slave is surprisingly fun. Always RP going on, at least. Oh, and derping around in teamspeak.

  15. Life as a Mori slave is surprisingly fun. Always RP going on, at least. Oh, and derping around in teamspeak.

  16. Curious on how to address something that has bugged me for so long lol

  17. More and More, I am starting to realize my Country is becoming Orwellian and truer with the warnings of George Carlin


  19. Needs a multitude of naps...

  20. Mori arent developed ebeough for me, im gonna re-roll. What a waste of time.

  21. Mori arent developed ebeough for me, im gonna re-roll. What a waste of time.

  22. That feeling when you wake up and realized your locked in a room, more specifically a druid tree, and your friend who can open the door is offline =*(

  23. You know you have no heart when you are a VIP and wait for sever to fill up and then log on. Standard

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