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Everything posted by Aislin

  1. I'll start. ^That guy is a 10/10.
  2. What were you thinking?! We have to stop this horde of GM nation leaders and foolish player ones. We are the last of a rare breed, and you just put us into endangerment.

    Native: "Some GM candidates benefit the server more where they are now."


  3. Both the forums and the server are being shaky for me. Server problems?

  4. Accepting requests for permakills. You want to die? Aislin's here with his execution sword.

    1. Religious_Pie


      I want to kill Bjorn.

      *Laughs manically.*

    2. Aislin


      *cuts off his head*

    1. Cereidon (Tetsuzaru)

      Cereidon (Tetsuzaru)

      I don't have a sister...

      Or do I!... OK I'll do it!

  5. I killed a hooker and bathed in her bl- No. April Fool's is done for the day.

  6. Fell asleep at the computer and then got a falling sensation and then spazzed out and then actually fell.

    1. Arkelos



    2. Secret Lizard President

      Secret Lizard President

      I've had that same sensation... sitting in front of a computer....

    3. MediocreGamer


      I've had the same sensation... in the middle of class during a lecture.

  7. I seriously cannot express how much better LotC is without TS.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Aislin


      It's not just the RP. It's just everything.

    3. Trouvo


      plus hearing the age of some people kind of ruins the imagination process...lol...can never think of one person the same...ever again lol

    4. Dukester
  8. I'm doing that, don't worry.

  9. Look at me, not clicking on Support and Feedback or reading GM apps. Look at me off Teamspeak. LOOK AT ME HAVING THE MOST FUN ON THIS SERVER SINCE I STARTED.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Robin Drake

      Robin Drake

      I thought you had more fun as my TS channel admin :(

    3. Hiebe


      Support ;P

    4. Aislin


      Sorry Robin. I'll always be your big C.

  10. Dat feeling when a German/Peruvian girl is sleeping with you and she's really hot.

    1. Robin Drake
    2. Aislin


      Dat feeling when Aislin gives Robin a hug.

    1. Religious_Pie


      Keep it up man...I think you know what I actually mean by "It" though.

  11. I never said join for no RP reason. I said agree to merge OOCly. Then you can find an RP reason to join. Because you're not all that different.
  12. Well you're the Master Thieves Guild. The post was mostly directed at the 5-member guilds who want to kill all evil. And you don't have to be so arrogant about it.
  13. Like I said each guild has their differences, but their purpose is the same. The lore is simply context for their actions. Want an RP reason for merging? Survival. When big nation armies start wiping you guys out, you'll have an RP reason.
  14. Alright everybody, you guys need to band together. On your own, your guilds are essentially pointless and insignificant. Sorry to be blunt, possibly rude, about it, but this is the truth of the matter. Many guilds serve the same purpose, and you would be much stronger if you banded together. Looking through the first page, I've heard of only one of them, and that was the Dark Brotherhood. I've decided to go through the first 2 pages and pick out the more active guilds (from what I've seen) and organize them into categories where they can band together. For everybody's sake. Fighting Evil/Protecting People Order of the Red Phoenix The White Order The White Knights The Knights Legacy The Emerald Knights The Platinum Guard The Freedom Fighters The Remnants Knights of the North Hunting Down Magic Users The Wihuns The Promethean Cult Criminal Guilds The Wolf Pack The Dark Brotherhood The Master Thieves Guild Now some of you may claim that these guilds have different purposes, but in the end the purposes are more or less the same. The Dark Brotherhood is more assassin-oriented while the Thieves are thieves, but these guilds could simply combine and then do both things. This mostly applies to the "cleansing of evil" guilds. I honestly suggest you band together, because otherwise I'll probably be bringing some nation armies to wipe you out. EDIT: Going to leave this here.
  15. Nemantius has set up a scholar's guild for all you bookworms out there! http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/48483-alrasian-scholars-guild/

    1. Reader


      That's my heaven

  16. Everybody, stop. A lot of us have been complaining about several aspects of the server, and many of you may feel that your complaints are not being heard. Click the link provided and nominate somebody who you feel could actually help. Not your friend. This is going to be players seeking to address complaints of the players. It's what we all want. http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/48511-taking-charge-the-asulon-improvement-committee-—-rotation-2/

  17. May your torch's flame burn bright for us all.

  18. Truth. Just truth. We need like 10 guilds.
  19. You really should come back, the server needs a true RPer like you.

  20. We've now slipped to #22 on minestatus. It's like we're -1'ing LotC. Vote now, please. http://minestatus.net/6317-the-lord-of-the-craft/vote

  21. This status is for Alras. I own you now. Signed, your King.

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