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Everything posted by Aislin

  1. AlphaCentaurus just applied to my military. This will be fun.

  2. 6/10 I've seen you on TS a bit.
  3. Yeah sure, you can come back.

  4. The Chinese are coming...

    1. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      NO! You were already banned from TS once today...

    2. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      NO! You were already banned from TS once today...

  5. *Cracks his knuckles and puts on his man-kini*

  6. 1/10, literally never seen you before. But I will remember that avatar.

    Blue + blonde? Kinda hot. Pics or gtfo when it's done so I can judge and berate you.

  8. 8/10. I was hoping you'd make the AIC ballot, to be honest. I was disappointed when you weren't nominated.
  9. I see you a lot. A lot. 5/10. Don't tell Syrio.
  10. Sounds good, I've been off school for a month now (2 weeks of exams, 1 week skipped, 1 week holiday) so I'm pretty chill. Getting skinny though, which is worse than it sounds.

    I had optimism once, but then I took some medicine and got better.

    Hardy hardy har. Bleaching is for the weak, I might add. What's your natural color?

  11. I probably hate you, but mostly because your hair is blonder than mine. Makes me ashamed to call myself Swedish.

    I am not sure if I sense sarcasm.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. VonAulus


      Misleading... but a good read.

    3. Lirinya
    4. Aislin


      You just mad because I'm going to beat you legit.

  12. *wonders if his FM buddies can track her +1 activities*

    So, how are you (aside from your diseaseness)? It seems every time we speak it's because of negatory things.

  13. * raises his fist to the heavens "I WILL FIND PROOOF!"

  14. It was you...

    This means war.

  15. As long as they don't pick you I'll be happy.


  16. Just overtook Liri in terms of reputation o.O

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ♦ Kal ♦

      ♦ Kal ♦

      Rep no matter.

      And it probably will only last for a few moments. Take a screen, while you can.^^

    3. Taiga


      Ouch... Liri made a nice comeback

    4. Aislin


      She is a cheater. I'm going to get it back legit.

  17. It baffles me how I have the most. I'd rather see somebody like Wyvernos or Lucas leading, or at least having some votes. I don't even know who these Sporadic or mrsmooth people are. I smell popularity contest.

    I hope I'm not popular :S

  18. It baffles me how I have the most. I'd rather see somebody like Wyvernos or Lucas leading, or at least having some votes. I don't even know who these Sporadic or mrsmooth people are. I smell popularity contest.

    I hope I'm not popular :S

  19. Only ever heard of you on the forums, and even then. 5/10
  20. Yeah this needs to happen. However, I don't think the items should be returned, that's poor RP. Also, I'd like to see some of the weaker towns be destroyed by these raids.
  21. The GM thing was a joke, but kind of not really. Seriously, though, you're so good, we need nation leaders lik-

    Hey Alras has some council positions open.

    Also, Wyv showed me the Cloud Temple Walkthrough. If you ever need help with that, I'd love to dedicate my sexy voice and lovely charm to enticing the female players into playing a lot of LotC.

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