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Status Replies posted by CloakandDagger

  1. What I removed a single block from oren each day... when do you think people would start noticing thier city is being dismantled by a pyschopath.

  2. There's nothing better then waking up to a morning of Role-playing. :)

  3. Pixelmon is on - come play with us!

  4. If you could only see the beast you've made of me, I held it in but now it seems you've set it running free. Screaming in the dark, I howl when we're apart, Drag my teeth across your chest to taste your beating heart

  5. I had an idea for a Temp VA system where players are faced with a situation where they are forced to contradicting what's in their VAs, such as moral boundaries. (Ex. John would never steal from his friend.) So they'd make a temp VA, to indicate that something happened to promotes a temporary change and the reasons why he had to contradict his VA(For example, John's friend stole his money and he wants it back). The Temp VA can only last a day, and can only be used once a month.

  6. Besides writing my family's biography, I'm going to attempt to rebuild Al'Khazar from the destroyed world vaq had...

  7. If you could implement one weapon into LotC, what would it be?

    1. CloakandDagger


      Crossbows could work; like instead of having draw an arrow; as soon as you click the right button the bolt gets released.

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  8. I have been inactive for awhile and now it says that I have to apply on the forums, do i?

  9. No more lit green tag for Lykos. Thanks for destroying my PC, father's girlfriend.

  10. The Throne of Profile Views has been given to me once more. For my first decree, I demand shiftnative be sentenced to have his profile views reset to zero. Let my reign be cruel and prosperous!

  11. I entirely fail to see why everyone's upset. It's the internet. We have /no/ way of verifying age.

    1. CloakandDagger


      @ I wouldn't want to "throw a population of the server out the window" but when we start creating and enforcing restrictions catered to this age (player group) that will effect the entire player base that is where I start having problems.

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  12. I entirely fail to see why everyone's upset. It's the internet. We have /no/ way of verifying age.

    1. CloakandDagger


      ^So then how do we enforce that kids actually get their parents permission...?

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  13. I entirely fail to see why everyone's upset. It's the internet. We have /no/ way of verifying age.

    1. CloakandDagger


      I'm in the mind to get rid of all of the "young" players. I personally don't want a bunch of 12 year old's running around and then because they are the majority we have to cater the server to them. I want to be bale to RP my character how I see fit without fear of being banned because my rp wasn't PG-13...

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  14. I am a bandit and I'm building a house! Buildy Buildy House! Building a house!

  15. I'll be on tonight roughly 9 pm - 3 am.

  16. What do you guys think of me suggesting a plugin idea that enforces turn based RP fights? Such as giving a player 2 lines of RP before giving another player a turn to respond.

    1. CloakandDagger


      HA, I could see it now... The virtuous Man uses, "dagger to the spleen"... "It's super effective!"

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  17. Why is it that I get bored with every MMO I play? It's just never one that's actually good.

  18. Dumbledore, fumblemore, blunermore. So many famous wizards with "ore" at the end... AND then there is Gandolph.

  19. Pfft if we hit #1 I'll sing christmas songs in the style of Frank Sinatra.

  20. If the server reaches #1 on minestatus, I will donate $1000

  21. We should all get together and bomb other servers with our RP ways.

  22. So... anyone can be anything in the temp server?

  23. Is it possible for a character to not fall under any character alignment?

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