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Status Replies posted by CloakandDagger

  1. Highschool is hard. . . ;(

  2. wheres the battle at?

  3. Hurricane Sandy Pugsy'd New York

  4. Are there any assassin / fighting guilds?

  5. Well, I started The Silmarillion last night.

  6. Yay, posted my APP wish me luck!

  7. That moment when you get a diamond to use in an IC proposal... and then you crash... and it disappears from your inventory >.>

  8. Got a warn for saying first. #NotEvenMad

  9. British Orcs, eh? Well that's absolutely smashing! Good show!

  10. I'm so bad at FTL. But I can't stop playing...

  11. New leaked 3.0 Photo of the Dwarven lands http://i.imgur.com/vzB17.jpg

  12. The computer guys are dragging their heels with my laptop... it may be another week before I get on. *Curls up in a corner and cries :

  13. Just upgraded to Gold VIP! Soon to be diamond :3

  14. That feel when you're in a Skype Chat with the most pretty LotC girls and you got your best wingman by your side. Awwwwwww yeeeeeaaaah *brofists Issy*

  15. Hey.. I just met you.. But here's my number, call me maybe. ;)

  16. Talked to a girl in my science for the whole period and I don't know her name. Crud.

  17. Just Got DayZ and I'm loving it, who wants to play with me?

  18. Goodmorning lotc, how's everyone doing?

  19. I believe I am cursed. The only app I have ever gotten accepted is my whitelist app, after five tries. Am I that bad of a roleplayer ;-;

  20. These notes are flawed, any conjurer can make them. Any illusionist can illusion copies of them. Easy: illusionist turns 1 into 1000... According to Vaq's video the space is empty so it seems possible... I mean I haven't done it yet but GMs need lore to stop this.

  21. So I seem to like LoL.

  22. •_•) ( •_•)>⌐■-■ (⌐■_■)

  23. Anyone fancy informing me what teh **** geostationary orbit is?

  24. Lying in OOC, bannable?

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