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Status Updates posted by Repiteo

  1. Christmas is a huge priority right now... Srry forums... Still

  2. Congratulations Dr. Derp. Now if I may, imma do a role revisal and say YOU should be an author.

  3. Dangit Alethion where are you? Im too scared to do anything with the 100k minas you gave me. ;_;

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Fenix_(I)


      LOL, I tried that already SpamShok. I didn't work so well... :(

    3. Rhisereld


      So YOU'RE the one he gave those minas to! How smashed was he?

    4. Repiteo


      He gave me 100k minas... Do I really need to say more?

  4. Derpentillism Herpology

  5. Derra was a baconator~

    baconating the countryside~

  6. Each time I get an increase in rep, I can't help but wonder "what did I post that got +1'd..."

    1. ♦ Kal ♦

      ♦ Kal ♦

      I normally go back to my last 5 posts. I get really confused, when it's not one of them.

    2. Robin Drake

      Robin Drake

      I now that feel. *goes back and +1's your app to the server

  7. Either way, it's giving me unintentional French lessons... Which is something I honestly never would expect in RP. But it's no matter really, you still provide the most intriguing RP on the server IMO, and the Frenchiness adds to it in it's own right.

  8. Either you have a monkey that follows your posts at all times and +1's them, or you +1 your own posts... Because your rep is ridiculous.

  9. Erryone loves Gaston!

  10. Even though Pal'un isn't around, I might pull a subsist and follow you around as a ghost til the new map. :3

  11. Excavation drops are derpy... All Im getting is cocoa and netherack, and VERY sparingly at that... And I'm at level 100

    1. Cyt37


      It used to be Golden Apples and Diamonds, but they nerfed it for obvious reasons.

    2. Nero


      I am yet to even get a golden ingot from farming wheat and I'm at level 100. :3

  12. Finals + AP testing + Concerts + Lead Role in a Musical + 3 week time span = FFFFUUUUUUUUU...



  14. First reaction: Scared out of my wits end. Second reaction: sleepy.

    1. Alan


      First reaction: .... Second reaction: Traitor

    2. Viper3X


      I would like to congratule you, Repiteo. It is quite clear that you are fit for this job and you will be a great benefit to this community.

      With that said, congratulations!

    3. V0idsoldier


      You deserve it without a doubt.

  15. FM Finally works! Love ya Liri~

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ♦ Kal ♦

      ♦ Kal ♦

      lock ALL the threads!

    3. KarmaDelta


      *cue russian winning music

    4. Nero


      Repiteo, remember, it was AAALLLLLLLL Auv who did it, not Liri ;)

  16. For the first time in as long as I can remember, I have to sit in silence and collect my thoughts...

    1. Ergent Seth

      Ergent Seth

      Send me a message on TS. Talk to me.

    2. Xerxes_XIII 2

      Xerxes_XIII 2

      I second that ^^^

  17. foreveramember.jpg ...srsly, y u no work for me FM promotion?

    1. susitsu


      Y u no talk to Native moar about VAT group?

    2. Repiteo



  18. From "How to Train your Dragon" to "The Super Mario Bros Movie"... Quite a transition.

  19. Gaaaaad... The lot of you wingnuts are making me feel compelled to buy amnesia and record my reaction... ;~;

    1. High Prophetess Mezua~ ♥ ツ

      High Prophetess Mezua~ ♥ ツ

      ...I'm too afraid to try. But I want to. But the game looks so scary! *confliction

    2. Eledyr


      I tried it, got just do it it is an experience that you won't forget...I am still a bit shaky xD

    3. Ergent Seth

      Ergent Seth

      Whenever I livestream, I always go out to play the game the wrongest way possible. Amnesia was one of these games.

  20. Glad to give it, I simply felt that insight was needed in those regards. Good to know it isn't finalized tho'. Regardless, I appreciate the outlay thus far.

  21. Going to choir practice wearing bunny slippers... LIKE A BAWS

  22. Going' AFKish until later this weekend, GSA is creeping up and I needs preparation.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. atticusmas


      At my school, GSA=Gay straight alliance

    3. Repiteo


      To me it's "Governor's School for the Arts"; indeed, a notably substantial difference if I do say so myself.

    4. SparehoeCakes


      Good luck Repiteo! You'll do fineeee!

  23. Happy birthday ya lilylover!

  24. Happy birthday ya wingnut!

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