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Status Updates posted by Repiteo

  1. That's putting it a tad broadly, but in essence, yes.

  2. The nether event is too main stream for me maaaaaan.

    1. Ibn Khaldun

      Ibn Khaldun

      All it is is every hero in the server proving themselves more Don Quixotes than Luke Skywalkers :3

    2. Repiteo


      Yeah... A grand ambition to strive to be the old guy who's mind was poisoned and corrupted by fantasies as it inevitably lead to ridicule and humiliation on his part.

    3. Lykos


      Repiteo, dont tell me you've never wanted to cavalry charge a windmill.

  3. Love ya' too~

  4. People, y u clutter my inbox with VA's?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wolf Druid Ouity

      Wolf Druid Ouity

      Speaking of which, I have this here...


    3. Beldion (Torok_Whitestorm)

      Beldion (Torok_Whitestorm)

      Cause your sexy and we know it.

      Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle

    4. Repiteo



      you worry me

  5. Noticing a pattern... The best standard apps are written by people in their twenties... And yet the best villain apps are written by those in their late teens.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. xmrsmoothx


      Stab little girls erryday

    3. Shuness


      14 when I made my app. You insulting the Shun?

    4. Trouvo


      maybe it has to do with the younger ones attention span? or impatience?

  6. I font know about Auzzie, but I'll try to make whatever time to the best of my ability... Likely with a complete outfit overhaul. (much more nomadic then previously)

  7. Thinking about writing up lore for a golem counterpart...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Salamandra


      You don't have to write a lore about your golem to get one, you have to find a master smith IC, and talk it over with him.

    3. Repiteo


      I mean not for me, but introducing such a takeaway from the standard golem that it would likely need a lore of it's own due to how much it differs from a standard golem. I think the best equivalent I can give would be a "subrace" of a golem. I might PM you later on what I mean specifically.

    4. Salamandra


      Sounds good! :D

  8. I have an entire shindig planned with Pal'un in my head in regard to the wedding... I'm so 'cited to put mai idea into action. :3

  9. Is NOT making a post signifying his 1000 post milestone.

    1. Coaster
    2. Nero


      *is going to edit to say, "OMGOMGOMGOMG 1000 POSTST!!!11!!11!!!!"*

  10. I can't think of magic in LotC and NOT think of you. You are such an impact in the magical aspect of the server and it really shows. So yeah, just praising you for all that shizzle you've done for magic and such.

  11. FM Finally works! Love ya Liri~

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ♦ Kal ♦

      ♦ Kal ♦

      lock ALL the threads!

    3. KarmaDelta


      *cue russian winning music

    4. Nero


      Repiteo, remember, it was AAALLLLLLLL Auv who did it, not Liri ;)

  12. Even though Pal'un isn't around, I might pull a subsist and follow you around as a ghost til the new map. :3

  13. Going to choir practice wearing bunny slippers... LIKE A BAWS

  14. It seems that for the ACT-Prep I shall have to defend the argument of child labor... Whelp, this will be interesting.

    1. Nero


      Just say you are from Asia.

    2. Valer l'Ami de Harken

      Valer l'Ami de Harken

      Having to find logical holes in a side of the argument you agree with is difficult. Most people look for facts to confirm what they all ready think instead. It's good practice for critical thinking.

    3. Repiteo


      I actually found more good points in the end ironically enough. The trick is throwing morals out the window... Which I do when I write anyway.

  15. I just remembered I got both Skyrim and Portal 2 for Christmas, and I have yet to play either of them in all this time... I truly am a heretic.

    1. Lykos


      Play portal first... if you play skyrim you wont be back in existence for a while.

  16. *reconsiders changing again* DANGIT MIND, Y U SO CONSISTANTLY INCONSISTANT. ;_;

  17. I just realized how much the Master Theives guild and the character Im planning for the new map will go hand in hand.

    Expect an extremely quirky and somewhat original villain headed the guild's way sometime soon! ;)

  18. You sneaky badger...

    ...But yeah, likely gonna be either RIGHT before the map change, or sometime soonish after.

  19. I'll try to be sneakeh on Tuesday and strike you down... No promises though, I'm serious when I say I'm under a tight watch this week.

    (why by Wednesday though?)

  20. You'll have to wait until Friday or Saturday for me to manslaughter your character.

  21. You are so cruel to me.

  22. Schools starting up tomorrow, and I'm headed in cold turkey... Meaning I'll not be on here until Friday/Saturday at the absolute earliest... Whelp, there goes any RP mini-events I was planning out the window. :/

  23. Minestatus reset... And our rank right now is 32... THRITY. TWO. That needs to be amended as soon as possible.

  24. Oh lala~ Lovin' the new VAT title.

    1. ♦ Kal ♦

      ♦ Kal ♦

      Aren't you supposed to be a FM or did you surrender to the Repiteo-hating forum mechanics

    2. Repiteo


      I should be a FM yes... But alas, nothin' I can really do about it.


  25. Happy new ye-... *snore*

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