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Status Replies posted by Zebanamana

  1. Davos is the best Hand of the King ever. Onion Knight foeva

  2. Clicking tournament. Yeah, that's totally good for roleplay.

  3. Davos is the best Hand of the King ever. Onion Knight foeva

  4. Finally up to date with Game of Thrones!

  5. Playing multiple characters on one account at a time is against the rules ~ What about alt/main characters? Main character being a fully developed round character, alt character being for filler-roleplay, or when roleplay of your main is not possible? I know the problem is sharing the minas, but an alt character would not need a specific set.

  6. So... what would one do if they found items likely hacked in, such as stacked signs and soup?

  7. Erm, well I have a 119 in Sociology. How is that even possible?

  8. Denied again. With that I surrender. I've wasted 7 hours of my life writing for this site for nothing. I'll be on the Touhou server if I'm needed.

  9. Don't use the Arethor boat to the Holy Lands, it drowns you

  10. So, an archbishop, a Prince Archbishop, a few nobles and some peasants walk into a bar...

  11. That feel when there are more nations then players on the server at one time

  12. May the Holy Oren Empire prosper with the aid of the Teutonic Order... Or something like that

  13. That feel when there are more nations then players on the server at one time

  14. I am now inlove with web series. Give me all of them. Now. I absolutely love VGHS and Bite Me. GIVE ME MORES!

  15. I seriously need to get away from my mom. I'm considering talking to school councilors on how to. Good idea?

  16. Can anyone else not log in?

  17. I've only seen the first LoTR. Now, after seeing all these annoying statuses, I feel like watching the others.

  18. Gotta love some of dem Renatus laws :3

  19. Just burnt 18,000 diamonds. Some girls just wanna see the world burn, huh?

  20. We're all gonna die.

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