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Status Replies posted by Zebanamana

  1. The standards of VA's now... There's honestly no point getting one with the amount of bloody effort you need for the chance to actually rp your character...

  2. Panda wishes some one would make a request.. She really should not even have to ask but she really needs to draw more!! Maybe Panda can draw on her own..

  3. The standards of VA's now... There's honestly no point getting one with the amount of bloody effort you need for the chance to actually rp your character...

  4. The standards of VA's now... There's honestly no point getting one with the amount of bloody effort you need for the chance to actually rp your character...

  5. The standards of VA's now... There's honestly no point getting one with the amount of bloody effort you need for the chance to actually rp your character...

  6. The standards of VA's now... There's honestly no point getting one with the amount of bloody effort you need for the chance to actually rp your character...

  7. The standards of VA's now... There's honestly no point getting one with the amount of bloody effort you need for the chance to actually rp your character...

  8. The standards of VA's now... There's honestly no point getting one with the amount of bloody effort you need for the chance to actually rp your character...

  9. Sandy effectively raped me sideways. No power, cell phone towers are smashed, barely able to send texts or anything, backyard totaled, shingles on my roof blew off, and the county next to me is under water. I'm living the apolcop

  10. To those whom think I am Cataris, I'm not. I've known him since 2009 when we first met on Xboxlive, he was back then known as Lukezo. We were to create a machining together and ever since 09 we've been besties. Explanation complete.

  11. All the forum RPs Die within a couple of weeks...=/ the only one that seems to be living is the Zombie Forum Rp

  12. Happy Halloween everyone!~ Go get your candy and scare the hell out of some people~~~ -puts on $200 black gothic monk robe, grabs real flail, pulls up hood, and heads out to scare people-

  13. ((The real server back up?))

  14. Are we keeping this SS system? If so I'm stuck in the wilderness 7k out until the end of time.

  15. I hope this is really temp, I just blew up someone's house :P

  16. VIROS JUST LEAKED ME A SPOILER ABOUT 3.0! Elves are getting a tree! Can you believe it?

  17. ((Was RPing and Alstion was brought up from ancient times. Forgot about VonSchlichten Co's failed Bank venture there. Glad the undead attacked so Nitholiak could collect the insurance!))

  18. Honestly, the fact that people gossip,slander, and act so pitiful is one of the reasons I have just dropped and left. The fact that people become so psychologically dependent on this game and create this drama has puzzled me, much respect to the players who can actually just hop on and off at will and are relaxed.

  19. I've been gone awhile.

  20. I've been gone awhile.

  21. Reading Festival has been the best of my life! Foo Fighters were incredible!!!

  22. But seriously. Plagiarism really is bad.

  23. But seriously. Plagiarism really is bad.

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