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Status Replies posted by Zebanamana

  1. I do not know if you all are wise enough to realize, but you do know that Lord of the Craft is a very experimental server, just testing ways to improve. Sadly not every experiment is an utter success, try to engage in the experiment sometimes and just use your head rather than bark and say you are a veteran; that isn't exactly the best way to figure yourself into LotC...

  2. Native! You never made the Non LotC Forum Rp forum!

  3. Native! You never made the Non LotC Forum Rp forum!

  4. I should do something... like become an emperor.... or gm....or admin.... or all 3...

  5. Are you scared of bugs? You've seen nothing yet. These little creepers are native to where I live. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thelyphonida

  6. Are you scared of bugs? You've seen nothing yet. These little creepers are native to where I live. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thelyphonida

  7. So many people are leaving this server. It's so sad.

  8. So many people are leaving this server. It's so sad.

  9. Phew, hope it's over.. I've single handedly destroyed this spammer's posts. All of them ^.^

  10. Phew, hope it's over.. I've single handedly destroyed this spammer's posts. All of them ^.^

  11. I thought I could enjoy a few hours of Mabinogi. But no, we get a forum crisis going on. (facepalm)

  12. Is it possible for us to get a separate forum for non LotC forum roleplay?

  13. Is it possible for us to get a separate forum for non LotC forum roleplay?

  14. we're on the first page of www.reddit.com/r/gaming ! can ya find us? :)

  15. Why do I feel a new map would be.. Well, a good change for LoTC. ;p.

  16. I can't wait for people to realize it's actually illegal in most countries to Cyber Bully.

  17. I can't wait for people to realize it's actually illegal in most countries to Cyber Bully.

  18. Does anyone else remember the Orc/pig guy who wandered around Alras back in Aegis? He was pretty cool.

  19. How many people would be interested in a non LOTC forum rp thread?

  20. How many people would be interested in a non LOTC forum rp thread?

  21. How many people would be interested in a non LOTC forum rp thread?

  22. How many people would be interested in a non LOTC forum rp thread?

  23. Avater The Last Air Bender Is Oddly... Good o_o

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