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Everything posted by gingernut97

  1. Going to try and watch the opening ceremony on my way up to liverpool using the magic of 3g

  2. Leaving for liverpool tonight, smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast

  3. Don't ask me what I want Mrs. Hairdresser ask my mum, she's paying for it and I frankly couldn't care less if you shaved my head bald

  4. Not too sure which teamspeak channels for lots I should go on :/

  5. Going out to a fancy restaurant in my fancy chinos for my Dads birthday. Am I the only one who prefers TGI Fridays to going to a fancy restaurant!?!

    1. Gemmylou


      JACK DANIELS BBQ SAUCE. Nuff saiddddd.

    2. BannanaToYou



    3. gingernut97



  6. Just got tricked on Omegle into going on a shock site...I feel so dirty now...

    1. Strife


      That was you?

  7. Out of Character Information MC Name: gingernut97 Age: 15 Time Zone: GMT+1 Do you have TeamSpeak?: [http://www.teamspeak3.com/] Skype? [Leave skype name here] Yes, I do have teamspeak. No Skype though. In Character Information Why are you interested in joining the Guivrets? I d'nae I just got telled by some men that this job has good money ennit, I think they mayhap been a smithy and a farmer I met. Have you read and understood the rules of the Duchy? Aye, I have read yer rules and am a merry man to understand these here rules. Name: Cort Bludgeoner Race: Human Age: 49 Are you 100% committed to the Guivrets? No other commitments made? Aye, I am committed to ye Guivrets and serve no other people. What are your skills? [Give exact stats /stats in game] Lumber jacking: 13 Swordsmanship: 9 Mining: 0 Cooking: 2 Fishing: 0 Farming: 4 Excavation: 0 Archery: 59 Wrestling: 12 Axe mastery: 5 Blacksmithing: 0 ((The Archery is from a past character, Corts a cook Do you swear to abide by the oath? [Copy+Paste Here, but make sure you have read it.] I, Cort Bludgeoner, Swear upon my honor that I will uphold the peace and security of my lord, Balian Guivret and Helaine Guivret. To keep the Guivret family safe, to protect and support the Duchy, and to do my job to the best of my ability. I swear to protect the flag of The Guivrets, the Holy Oren Empire, and to remain loyal to the Guivrets.
  8. Dammit Cort, stop eyeing up women and making racist remarks about Orcs and Elves...

  9. Downloading teamspeak now, doubt if Im going to use it though as I don't really like my voice at the mo' >.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dilara(lotteje13)


      you dont have to speak :/ i dont speak either on TS and they still accept me :D only you get a bit less attention then you speak

    3. Dilara(lotteje13)


      you dont have to speak :/ i dont speak either on TS and they still accept me :D only you get a bit less attention then you speak

    4. Ender_Panda13


      no one likes their voice, when I ask someone if they like their voice, and they yes "Yes it beautiful!" then I know their a bit self-loving...

  10. Watching every episode of Sankarea again

  11. Austins picture looks like me when I went on a run this morning O_o

  12. I got 99 problems and this takes up definitely somehttp://www.quickmeme.com/meme/3q7zel/

  13. Any white stripes fans out there?

  14. Finally managed to get my spoilers working :3 Go Babu!

  15. Its impossible to play the hunger games on minecraft with this weather, keeps freezing up and I get killed >.>

  16. Ahhhhh! How do I do spolier? is it

    ? or /spoiler ? or is it [/spoiler blah blah blah] ???

  17. Finally managed to work out how to do spoilers on my sig using the BB code! #likeaboss(wait isn't this for twitter?)

  18. I hate the summer, makes my internet and computer so damn laggy even though I have 2 fans concentrated on it >.

  19. #Ihatehashtagsonmacsodamnconfusing

    1. ek_knight




  21. We need to do a peace march against the ddosers :3 Love and happiness maaaan

    1. gabriel101x1


      Free weed all round?

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