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Status Replies posted by Maximas1211

  1. Now that there is a literature section, I can finally post my LoTC book there! Take a look!

  2. Server always crashes at the most inopportune moments.

  3. Did the champions defeat the undead?

  4. If the server does not come online soon, I will be forced to watch ponies.

  5. Hurr. When in doubt, write poems, durr.

  6. ss'd as human, spawned in lava, died, lost all my stuff + 800 minas, a tough world ...

  7. R.I.P Aegis and their fallen heroes

  8. 14 on minestatus. Pathetic. LoTC, I am dissapoint.

  9. 2.0 is not far now :D

  10. everyone is failing at voting

  11. Just finished an epic RP battle and made an enemy. Its going to be interesting to see how this turns out.

  12. Had a nice few days off from being a goody goody. Mm, and it was SOO FUUN. Tossed a cub in a chimney with no exit~ God that was funny...

  13. ok slapped myself around to get motivated and add the missing parts to my bio

  14. This is madness, THIS IS SPART- LOTC!!!!

  15. its 2am should i go to bed or wait a little longer?

  16. I'm off for the weekend! Horseriding on sunday!

  17. Urgh...I hate having strict parents, they keep harrassing me on how I can't play more than an hour at a time...>.> It so destroys my RP.

  18. School tommorow :'(

  19. Spout, here I come!

  20. Haven't slept the whole night....barely slept the night before....jpiafqijfi...>.>

  21. What I need, is a good hug. *looks hopeful*

  22. At a friends house, spending the whole night on BF3, no sleep at all :3

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