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Status Replies posted by Maximas1211

  1. K, either the mori have an addiction with Jena, or she attracts trouble. She got kidnapped 2 days in a row by mori >.>

  2. The school year has started in earnest. Won't be around so much.

  3. I am your enemy, I am your opposite, I only exist because you do... When will you understand? As long as there is one of us, there is the other.

  4. I'm going to a coffee bean roasting house today! Can't wait for all the delicious smells and tastes!

  5. I'll be staying with Lord of the Craft. I can't promise I'll be on as much. I'll probably start making videos related to LotC though!

  6. remember kids don't be shy to RP with new people :3

  7. slighty pished I lost my level V smiting diamond sword after fighting my way through the nether :(

  8. Expect a major change to my character later tonight. If you know me, keep an eye out on the forums for my posts.

  9. anyone seen Elnir?

  10. That weird feeling when you realise a guy made a creep tunnel that looks straight at your bathroom......which you share wiht your girlfriend o3o. ((IC hurr durr))

  11. a stroke of luck found $20 crumpled in my jeans and sracped $10 of coin :3 Time to get my own account. Just got to con my parents into letting the credit card be used and think up a catchy mc name

  12. well BlackBryer has been reclaimed by my friend. I bid you goodbye lotc until I can scrape together enough cents to get my own account

  13. That dark, creeping feeling. Just after you commit mass murder, and kill your family.

  14. That dark, creeping feeling. Just after you commit mass murder, and kill your family.

  15. I have not been accepted, what?!

  16. .w. Playing L4D2...but still on the forums. Can't get off them :

  17. Work tomorrow... Oh how I love money but dislike doing anything,,,

  18. In the middle of what seems like it'll be fun rp, turning into an rp fight, and the server crashes.

  19. My fast food for when I'm RP-ing. Take Peanut butter jar, and nutella, takes 5 pieces of bread. Dips them in as he RP's

  20. God. People really gotta shut up about the donators ruining the server. News freaking flash!: They pay to keep the server running and improving so we can 200 people in the first place. I think a little patience while the GMs figure stuff out is the least we can give or Hell maybe its time to donate a few extra bucks to support the server you're obsessing over maybe then they'd have the capabilities to run with more than 200 people. If you want a change, do something about it. Unti...

  21. Had some great RP today.. not to self, bully issbaner more ^.^ :P

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