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Iron VIP
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Status Updates posted by Maximas1211

  1. Awesome RP... And Hello! XD

  2. Aww.. So sweet *Kiss

  3. Because dem' grey wardens are awesome! :3

  4. Congratulations on VAT. ^-^

  5. Dat.. cat.. ~ :3

  6. Derp! Miss RPing with you, Maybe on the weekend.. With Issbaner or Altariel.. *Cries*

  7. He does not! He just funny! Miss you man!

  8. Hello :D Great Rping Man

  9. Hello! :3 Remember the post "The Blacksmith's Death" aka: Kal Derra Death, you posted a music video that.. I was quite fond of.. and recently.. I forgot it. So.. Do you remember the name? please? XD

    Also! Great taste of music!

  10. Hello.. You profile has been chosen to stalk today.. Problem? -Starts to creep into the profile-

  11. Hm.. Oh dear.. Such a fail..

    All I can say,

    thank you my dear friend.*

  12. Hope you had a Great Christmas and Happy New Year :D !!

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