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Everything posted by Angela

  1. 5 Symptoms of laziness:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Aislin


      2. You don't usually finish your

    3. Thrym


      3. Procrastinate: It can wait

    4. Dr. Eggnog

      Dr. Eggnog

      4. ignore last steps on

      everything in order to get

      finished faster

  2. An Owl and a squirrel were sitting in a tree. The owl turned to the squirrel and said... nothing, because owls can't talk. The owl then eats the squirrel because he is a bird of prey.

  3. If you watch Jaws backwards, it's a story about a shark that throws up so many people, they have to open a beach.

  4. If life hands you melons, you may be dyslexic.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Angela


      ...That's the point of the joke.

    3. Quiet Kitten
    4. Wheatley


      When life handed me lemons, I THREW IT ON THE GROUND!

  5. Right before I die, I'm going to say "I left a million dollars in the......."

    1. ΚΨΙΞ
    2. ~≈Panda≈~


      I might have to steal that :3

    3. Blundermore


      pfft... million dollars? That's only 700,000 odd pounds.

  6. ((I am so sorry for not committing myself into the making of this guild. I was fully prepared to keep it up, but I have recently set my priorities strait and have found that I played way too much minecraft. Now, I do not have the time to keep up the guild. If someone would like to step up and take over the guild (Because it is a unique guild that would provide some great RP) I can send you the members list and the information I know on any traders and such. I would still help out when I'm on and such, but I cannot take a relied upon position. Sorry for the inconvenience, and I really hope someone wants to take up the ownership of the guild! -Angela))
  7. *Angela reads through the note. She writes down a message and ties it to the leg of her sparrow. She sends the bird to the man with her message* We Would be happy to help you. Perhaps we can meet somewhere and speak?
  8. Okay, I'm back in the country and will be trying to get the freedom fighters up and moving as soon as possible as soon as I get settled in. Thank you for your patients!
  9. We are taking a break until the 23 of April due to me being out of the country. I am so sorry for leaving everyone hanging. I was going to try and get a friend running the guild before I left, but that didn't happen. I'll send out messages when I get back as to what we will be doing. Thanks, Angela
  10. I'm going to miss everyone! I'll be gone for 3 weeks in April. Leaving the 1st and getting back the 22nd.

  11. Just updated my MC and can't get on to the server :'(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Neri
    3. Angela


      Ahh, thank you! Where do I put it?? in my bin?? So sorry, horrible with this stuff. :/

    4. Grizzly Druid

      Grizzly Druid

      Ok so what you do is once the program is installed double click it and hit run once it open click i Agree then another box should pop up asking you which version of minecraft you wish to have click on 1.2.3 and then click on patch client once it has done you should be able to play

      Hope this helped :D

  12. I wish to speak with you. I shall start my way to your city immediately. Also, we shall not start with the Mori. Though they are the most well known for owning slaves, they are not the worst. We can talk more about the matter once I arrive.
  13. You are accepted! Congratulations! Sorry, I usually send a PM but my computer is temporarily misplaced, and the accepted thing is a copy past thing. Basically, my MC name is Bigalow40. Shoot me a PM in-game for more instruction :smile:
  14. This group is not just a place where people can come in, act brave then pocket some minas. It is much more than that. If you are looking for a job to pay the bills, then I am afraid this is not the group for you. -Angela
  15. The pay is the satisfaction of doing the right thing, and seeing men and woman's souls be set free
  16. ((so so sorry for being so inactive guys. I've been gone over spring break and won't get back until sunday. I will be home for 2 weeks then I'm gone again, but for 3 weeks this time. I will probably give someone control of the guild in that time so that we can actually make some progress.))
  17. Obviously I have missed something... Who is Jake, and what has happened to him? If there is a topic about it, can someone comment with the link?

    1. awesumninja123


      General Discussion/off topic section

  18. =O .....there's only 21 people on.

    1. danic


      And 95% of them AFK! >_> that's how it is during the day on the week.

  19. *Angela will finish the encounter in-game due to the fact that I am half asleep at the moment* ))
  20. Aw, I was like "OH! I have my first profile comment! I wonder what it says!! <:d comment :>

  21. ((sry about the delay in training, my schedule has been packed and I have had little time for minecraft. I should be able to get some stuff done soon.... hopefully...))
  22. ((If you have applied and have not received a PM from me, please let me know!))
  23. Liberators, It would be a really good idea to get a VA, as you will be "steeling" the slaves, and you may have to kill someone (however that is unlikely). I myself am in the proses of getting one.
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