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sir awesome

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Status Updates posted by sir awesome

  1. if i reach the 5 app limit, does that mean i can never get whitelisted?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ursolon


      Usually it is a 3 month temp ban from applying.

    3. Gewinnen


      Yeah, three months then you have another five tries, try getting someone to proof it before you turn it in.

    4. sir awesome
  2. where do i post applications?

    1. Volutional


      In the forums section named 'Application Sumbissions' You will also find the format there :]

    2. sir awesome
  3. are you ignoring me, antharin?

  4. antharin, what do u mean "write it yourself"? i wrote my biography myself!!!!!!!

  5. do i have to make a new character when i die? and do i have to rp with undead to?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. sir awesome
    3. Ned Lud

      Ned Lud

      But any evil characters you encounter, you still have to role-play with them before fighting. Read over the rules again for good measure.

    4. sir awesome

      sir awesome

      i knew that, but when it was aegis, and i died when i was a wandering soul it said "you are a wandering soul, so are not required to reroll a new character upon death" or something like that xD

  6. is this a PvP server?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lykos


      Only of rp'd first. You can't just attack someone for no reason, and you must talk it out with the person first. Doesnt really matter in emotes, but in actual pvp, it does... Yesh.

    3. Skippy


      If you'd want to join, I'd think you'd know......

    4. Blundermore


      This is not a pvp server. This is an RP server. You must abide by the rules. You do not have the right to do villainous acts without going through the villain app process first.

  7. y did u have to add whitelist? its okay that u can't be anything else than a wandering soul, but i think u should`nt have whitelist...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. no longer active

      no longer active

      Otherwise people would be killing peopel 24/7

    3. sir awesome

      sir awesome

      okay, if you want me to use correct grammar, then i will. is this a PvP server?

    4. Skippy


      No, not a PVP server.

  8. how do i get whitelisted/added?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. sir awesome

      sir awesome

      i wrote an app before it became asulon, do i have to write a new now?

    3. Lirinya


      If your app got accepted, no.

      If it was denied, yes.

    4. Lirinya


      If your app got accepted, no.

      If it was denied, yes.

  9. how do i get whitelisted/added?

  10. can some kind of admin. guy pleeeaaase read my application?

    1. Queen of Aegis

      Queen of Aegis

      patience is a good thing

    2. Nero


      Reporting for duty.

    3. sir awesome

      sir awesome

      i know I've been wasting the GM`s time by writing many app`s, but can somebody please read the new?

  11. how do you write a topic?

    1. Jibuis Winterborn (Vinnie)

      Jibuis Winterborn (Vinnie)

      Click Add Topic on the botton right.

    2. sir awesome

      sir awesome

      i found that out some time ago, but thanks anyway!

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