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John Hunter

Bedrock VIP
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Status Updates posted by John Hunter

  1. Just found out my wife is pregnant with our first kid! AWESOME! :o)

  2. Seriously, Oren needs to have a better system for getting people housed!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Old-Rattlesnake


      Lots of statuses about Oren today.

    3. gingernut97


      Serfs have no need for houses! They must sleep in the mud where they were born!

    4. John Hunter

      John Hunter

      There just isn't any RP info on who to contact for housing in various areas. Even OOC it's tricky to find the contact, get in contact with them, and then get a response. James, are you in charge of certain housing in Oren?

  3. Getting lonely in the wilds... Move to Salvus?

    1. Sinstrite


      Come live with our small group in the wilds.

    2. John Hunter

      John Hunter

      What general area y'all in? I might have to come find you.

    3. Sinstrite


      We're far out at sea on a large island, building up quite nicely so far. You can pm me if you're interested.

    1. Aren Whitestorm

      Aren Whitestorm

      Incredible, but will people like if he will stare at them like that for days?

    2. John Hunter

      John Hunter

      Of course! It keeps you interested... ;o)

  4. I always feel so penitent around Ender Men, shuffling around looking down... AVERT THINE GAZE HUMAN!

  5. Remember and honor the fallen. For those that died on 9/11 and my fellow soldiers who gave their last full measure in defense of freedom after 9/11... *salute* I may not wear the uniform outwardly anymore, but I'll always be in uniform at heart. May your sacrifice not be in vain.

  6. Hey Robin! Just wanted to make sure you saw this... :-)

    Robin Drake Coin Link!

  7. Begs pardon for crappy attempt at linkage below...

  8. Hey man! Haven't heard or seen ya in awhile. Just checking in, seeing how things are going. Anyway, hope you're doing well. Later!

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