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Technical Administrator
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Posts posted by Llir

  1. 11 minutes ago, ThatFunkyBunch said:

    In Llirs final act of service he displays how to leave Lord of the Craft.  


    Get a Replacement and make a Forum post. 



    Here's to years of service Llir. For Josh, glad to see you on the team and good luck! 


    I'm still tech admin! Just not mod admin :)

  2. 2 hours ago, DeusVult said:

    Hey there everyone! Greehn is making this thread as a joke, but whoops! it isnt lol



    In case it wasn't clear that google doc was bait, we did check the logs for file modifications to the war server, and compared the alleged code modifications against decompiled versions of the plugins directly from the war server. From what I can tell, the version in use at the time was correct and the modifications are not real.


    Apologies that we hit on a touchy subject for some, we had the ideas of "packet priority" and "20 tps fix" initially, and just needed something to frame it around, so we went with the most recent war, we did not mean to rub salt in the wound or make fun of people's concerns.

  3. 1 hour ago, Nomine said:

    This post was unfunny and unhelpful, worst of all given a public ping in Moderation Discord. This severely cripples my faith in staff. Please do not be purposefully spiteful or isolating a single group of players for the sake of an April Fool's joke. Please be helpful to your community instead.


    bro it's april fools chill

  4. I want to quote something from our Player Conduct Policy when it comes to the permanent bans administration issues:


    Lord of the Craft is not the place for your redemption arc. Whilst a permanently banned player may verbalize or display a change in character, they are not entitled to an unban or reconciliation with the playerbase.


    We're all here to have fun, and when someone's presence on the server is consistently taking from this, what do we gain by giving them a platform to degrade the experience for everyone?


    I also want to stress that we don't issue these bans lightly, unless someone has dome something genuinely terrible, or has a very extensive history, I almost always will advocate to give them another chance.

  5. Hello, this application appears to be in order, though I wanted to make sure this rule was known:


     If there is an ongoing war when your realm is created, you may not participate in it (unless granted an exception by both sides).


    This rule will also apply to any player who has signed this application (regardless of which persona you signed or are fighting on). In light of this, I will process this app in 3 days, giving time for anyone who has signed to edit/hide their post if they would like to remove their signature. Otherwise, all signatories will be considered barred from participating in the ongoing Veletz v. Haense war on any account or persona.


    In the meantime, I have created a treasury account for you to deposit the funds.

  6. 23 hours ago, SlitheryC1 said:

    glass and colored glass, both in block and pane form PLEASE.
    i beg of you...


    already in there

    11 hours ago, exogens said:

    Clay to Powedered Concrete please

    we'll only be doing equivalent blocks, not blocks that you can craft into each other

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