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Posts posted by Llir

  1. Name: LargeMagnum 


    Reason: Repeated raid-baiting after warning, providing poor/low-effort villainy/banditry roleplay

    (Moderation staff can PM me for additional information)


    Conditions of blacklist: 10 days, appeal required on or after May 31 to continue with villainy roleplay.


    Edit: Additionally, killing livestock while a settlement is on raid cooldown.


  2. Y9qPgUzNXMc7Of5hWR3UCXGG74j9is0tKGxb3h3k5Km6W0QeQ5uAYULDzSej8ZlJQisM5FQv8L-mEIGEAvBjiwXQrV45d0ePqGAaZS8YNY2J5lsNXV17mglcRkOSRFGH66EPkpCe


    Name of Artifact:


    The Radiance of Aeriel


    MC Name of person(s) currently in possession of Artifact:




    RP Name of person(s) currently in possession of Artifact:


    Avern’dionne Adriane


    MC Name of creator(s) of Artifact (N/A if not applicable):




    RP Name of creator(s) of Artifact (N/A if not applicable):


    Kalen Forseth


    Effect(s) of Artifact:


    The Radiance of Aeriel is a golden, ornate greatsword which serves as a vessel of an Ascended's Soul fire. When the blade touches an Ascended's skin directly it will begin to draw from the Ascended and manifest itself in the blade.


    The blade's flame will only be as strong as the Ascended wielding it - an initiate would find that the blade would have no more than a few sparks dancing over it. However, for Ascended well trained holding onto the blade will cause it to take on the Soul Fire in a spectacular fashion, eventually turning it into a blade of pure white flame which would be difficult to look at.


    Those who would be susceptible to normal soul fire will be able to sense this accumulation of the blade’s fire as it builds up as an uncomfortable tingling sensation (10 block radius).


    At its peak before the blade is swung enemies in a 2 block radius who have exposed limbs would begin to feel a burning, which would not be visible unless they experienced prolonged exposure, resulting in mild burns, but again this process is very slow (the course of 10+ emotes and never moving away or diminishing the flame).


    The main boon of this weapon is it's devastating attack. When one who would be burned by an Ascended's Fire comes into contact with the blade the blade would erupt with the fire within in a devastating blow based off of how much fire had been stored in the weapon - if the blade is brimming with Fire this is usually a torrent or eruption which is difficult to survive. The blade explodes outward and focused toward the point of impact. It is at the end of the day an Executioner's Blade - it is slow and clunky, nearly impossible to hide but it does the job it was made to do - annihilate the forces that work against descendant souls.


    Red Lines of Artifact:


    - While the blade is touching the skin of an Ascended they are incapable of using soul fire or soul fire based abilities.


    - This artifact requires at least 2-3 emotes of build up. Nearby players who are affected by holy fire should be notified of the charge via an AOE emote (Anybody near the begin feel an uncomfortable tingle).


    - Although direct attacks to the blade may be dispelled due to its power, the innate clunkiness of the blade makes using it for quick blocks of attacks unviable, as the quick movements would break the concentration of the user, though slow movements may be possible.


    - The 2 block AOE effect is NOT visible unless they have not moved away for around 10 emotes, and the user or others claiming to see the burning would be metagaming.


    - The tingly feeling is NOT physical burning and can NOT be used as ‘sensing’ - however the Ascended could of course use social cues based on what the afflicted emotes.


    - This artifact loses substantial charge on attempted attacks as the wielder's focus would cause the flame to leave the blade, requiring further charging (one emote to recharge, then another to attack again)


    - Just like soul fire, the radiance may be difficult to look at, but not blinding. Kind of like looking at a light bulb.


    - Only usable by Active and linked Ascended


    - If the artifact leaves the hands of an Ascended it instantly dissipates the soul fire as the weapon is an extension of the wielder - you cannot hand this off to a non-ascended with fire inside of it.


    - Without the blade being infused with flame it is a weak, flimsy gold sword.


    - A successful attack will require the blade to be charged again


    - The blade’s flame can not be diminished or extinguished other than breaking the Ascended’s concentration, or having a blow miss.


    - The blade must come in physical contact with the target to do actual damage, fire can not be shot, and the fire itself will not do damage - only when the blade hits flesh will the fire afflict the victim.


    - Users can not manipulate the soul fire or the blade in any way.


    - The blade is ineffective against armor as it has no piercing due to being made of solid gold and Soul fire's inability to pass through plate or chain armor. As it is a blade, however, it can cut through fabric, and deal some blunt force damage.


    Explanation of effect(s) (i.e. how it does what it does - slight bending of magic lore is allowed):


    When the blade was forged by Kalen, a long time blacksmith and Golemancer, during the Fringe. The process by which Kalen forged the blade was while it was still molten he pressed his Soul Flame into the molten gold, requiring time and concentration, before drawing it out - as molten metal is more subject to magic. Upon conclusion he reignited the metal and repeated this process, more times than he could count, until the metal was accustomed to the presence of soul fire within. Eventually the metal even became so accustomed to it that it began to vacuum in the Soul Fire, letting Kalen know he had succeeded.


    Number of duplicates of this Artifact:




    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the whereabouts and ownership of this Artifact by using the Magic List Errors?:




    Have you applied for this Artifact before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


    No, but 501 did, I made many changes to make it more balanced (https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/161403-mart-the-radiance-of-aeriel/)


  3. "Although he is an Acal'elor, it is better we have one who respects maehr'sae hiylun'ehya than this warmongering baboon we currently have as Sohaer." Avern'dionne would comment to some friends over tea "I feel ashamed to have once held the title this man holds now, he's a disgrace to our blessed people and the office which he holds."

  4. These items were not meant to work in PVP was clearly indicated at the shop. For anyone to claim ignorance on this is not very believable. As Awe mentioned, this has since been resolve. Also I'm sure the lag was not helping.


    As for the issues with lag, these have been resolved as of last night. It was due to server memory problems resulting from a combination of factors. 

  5. Hello all,


    We are aware of the server lag that has been occurring periodically since yesterday afternoon. We are looking into it. For the time being, we have modified the server restart schedule to an 8 hour period, and will be monitoring the situation.



    Tech Team

  6. 11 minutes ago, 6xdestroyer said:

    Please re-read the lore and the other comments posted, as I've stated multiple times, while culture plays a large part in the subrace, they have different physical attributes which they all share.


    I've read it - and if the LT allows every sub-race to be defined based off minor physical differences than we would have 100s of sub-races. Sub-races need to be very well defined, distinct differences. The LT should be focusing on condensing the current amount of sub-races based on larger variations, not expanding them based on small variants.

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