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Technical Administrator
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Posts posted by Llir

  1. Greetings Crafters!


    Today I will be showcasing a new plugin I recently made in collaboration with the Moderation Team, but first, a few quick updates:

    • We are still working on improving server performance, including periodic crashes of our proxy server, and lingering TPS/chunk lag.
    • We know a lot of players have been unable to connect with the ‘Connection closed by remote host’ bug. Although we have been unable to pinpoint what on our end is causing the issue, we have found that using a VPN works as an interim workaround.
    • We are still fixing various bugs, such as those with creative mode and WorldEdit, which may be affecting the ability of staff to respond to your tickets.


    Now, onto the fun part! I am happy to introduce our new plugin: MaliRally. This plugin acts as a hook between in-game alert bells, and your community Discord servers. The goal is to help increase immersion, and put an end to ‘meta-rallies’, which can be a pain on players, and difficult to enforce for staff. The plugin will automate an already existing practice, and remove any grey areas in the rules. To use the plugin, right click the town-bell (beacon), and then enter your alert message (you must be a member of the region to use the bell). You must remain next to the bell for the message to be sent. Here is an example of it in use:








    The plugin itself will not send a ping, but players are free to then go to the channel and @everyone, @here, or @Guard for example, to draw attention to the alert. Individual players can also right-click the channel and set ‘Notifications’ to ‘All Messages’ to get alerted anytime the bell is rung.


    Two emotes are required to use a rally bell, to allow a chance to be interrupted. Normal meta-gaming rules still apply. If your character would not be able to hear the bell IRP, you can not use the alert information in-game. The alert is intended to be received in RP by people who may be offline or on another persona, but who’s character associated with the settlement would be in the city, perhaps in their home or the barracks, or people who are online in the settlement, but out of the usual shout range of the gatehouse/town bell.


    That is all most players need to know, but there is some additional information for Charter Leaders down below:

    • All accepted Charters may have a town bell.
    • There will be a limit of one town-bell per settlement.
    • A bell will be required for any rally messages sent to your Discord. Rallying otherwise will be considered metagaming.
    • There will be a one week grace-period from the time of this post so that you can get your bells setup. Until then, the existing 3-emote rally system will still be usable alongside the new bell system.


    Now, how do you get one? Simple, just follow these steps:

    1. Create a text channel in your discord for bell alerts to be sent to. Make sure everyone who needs it has permission to see it and/or send messages!
    2. Go to channel settings, then Webhooks. Click ‘Create Webhook’. 
      Note: Make sure you have permission to Manage Webhooks for the Discord server.
    3. Set the name an icon to anything you would like.
    4. Click ‘Copy’ beside the Webhook URL.
    5. Make a /modreq in-game that you would like your town-bell setup at the location you would like the bell.
      Note: Make sure it is a logical location, such a guardhouse or bell tower. 
      Note: Moderators will only accept a modreq for town bells from the Charter Leader (PRO).
    6. The Moderator will place down a beacon block should your location be suitable. This will act as your town bell. 
    7. Ask the Moderator for their Discord ID, and then PM them the Webhook URL you copied earlier.
    8. Tell the Moderator what color you would like associated with your bell (the color bar shown beside the alert, magenta in my example) from this list:
    9.  The Moderator will create your bell. Give it a test once they let you know it’s ready!
    10. If you want your bell moved, the Moderator will have to delete it and recreate it. Follow steps 5-9 again. You can use the same Webhook URL.

    For more information about Webhooks, you can read here. Webhooks only allow LOTC to send automated messages to the designated text-channel. It does not allow LOTC to see any messages, channels, or users in your server. The provided webhook will only be used by LOTC to send messages from this plugin for your town bell, and not for any other messages.


    That’s all there is! Hope you all enjoy it!




  2. 10 minutes ago, Amayonnaise said:

    Okay I get that we have a new dev working, welcome Topaz, but;

    Korvic literally stated this in his stepping-down post. Why are you pushing through with an update immediately? Hello?


    He was saying how he wouldn’t want to update the server himself before quitting, as he would be publishing an update he won’t be around to maintain which is not fair to the server or the other staff. We are confident that our current technical staff will be able to maintain the update, and as we are publishing it it will be our onus to upkeep. I hope this clarifies this for you.

  3. Note: Some players were not receiving the bonus. This has been fixed now and all players should have the bonuses in their accounts. If you have not acquired your bonus or are missing any crowns, please contact me at Llir#5410

    Image result for cyber monday


    Hello everyone!


    We are having a promotion this weekend.


    All Crowns purchases will add a 15% bonus gift to your account!


    This will run until Midnight PST on December 2nd.


    Happy RPing!


    - Llir


    * Gift will be in Crowns, equal to 15% of the total Crowns value purchased. The gift will be added directly to your account and can not be transferred. 


    P.S. We are working on the connection issues.

  4. This past week has been a wake up call to issues in our community which had long gone unspoken of. I hope that this will start a new chapter on LOTC. I am confident that the staff is honest and dedicated in wanting to lead this new direction.

  5. Hi all,


    I pulled an all nighter Monday for two midterms Tuesday morning so I fell asleep after and didn't wake up until a few hours ago. I'm really well rested, however I was the one who was supposed to begin the transition this morning, but wasn't able to start on time and now I have classes and stuff.


    That means we all get one more day of Atlas!!!


    I'll begin it tonight after midnight EST.




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