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Posts posted by Llir


    MC name:


    Character's name and age:
    Avern’dionne Adriane, 489


    Character’s Race:
    High Elf


    Link to your accepted magic application:


    What magic(s) do you desire to teach?:
    Ascended - Ruin


    Summarize the Lore of this Magic: 
    Ascended magic is granted upon connection to the patron, Aeriel the Arch-Aengul. Upon connection dormant Anegul blood is activated within the descendant, and the ‘Song of Aeriel’ begins to ‘flow’ through them. Through this connection they are given certain physical abilities such as regeneration (out of combat), and resistance to corruption/taint. An Ascended is able to choose one of two types, ruin and rapture. Ruin is designed to kill dark beings, while rapture is designed for capture. This is reflected in the differences between soulfire effects. The order of the Ascended is lead by the master sage, who is the living flame (source of the magic), can teach both types, but is only capable of one of them. For ruin (note: can’t do void magic), you learn to summon holy fire, and to channel it. You also learn soul-mending, and ember infusion. Soulfire burns taint originating from a tainted soul (which types is noted in the full lore), but is harmless to non-tainted. Ascended healing transfers the wound to the Ascended directly (note: can not regenerate other’s limbs / heal old injuries), where it then regenerates. Ember infusion can make items cool (able to channel holy fire, etc). There are also rituals, such as hollowed grounds, which creates a connection between the soulstream and the mortal plane where Ascended are more powerful. You can also create psychopomps within them, which are little birds that turn into tattoos. They can be used to send mail, but not im combay.


    Write up a lesson that your character would give to a student. (Do note, we will be contacting aspiring teachers for a quick interview, to try to better gauge your knowledge and understanding):
    *Avern would enter the room, looking to the Ascended who had been sitting at the table waiting. She would smile to them*
    “Well, are you prepared for the lesson?” she asks
    *The student looks up from the book they were reading from, having not heard Avern enter,they are clearly caught off guard “What? - Oh, of course!” they exclaim.
    “Good. Now take this.” she has an aurum staff in her hand, and would toss it to the student. They catch it, examing the item. There is nothing to special about it.
    “Now, recall what I taught you last time - of using the soulfire... how to conjure it and such?”
    “Of course.” The student replies. They hold out a hand and close their eyes, taking in a breath as they focus on the Song of Aeriel. They hold out their palm for a moment and a dim, silver-white glow would be seen across their hand. Shortly after there is a spark, and a small white flame ignites above their palm, building slowly.
    “Excellent, though extinguish that flame - you will need your energy for this lesson.” the student does so, nodding. “Right, now take the staff - and do firmly grasp it - then close your eyes.” the student would do as she instructed, taking it it firmly with one hand and closing their eyes, centring themselves and breathing deeply.
    “Today, I am going to teach you you to channel the fire through the staff... the aurum allows the power to be more concentrated and controlled.”
    Avern settles, a short smile atop her loving visage and with an inclination of her head, she’d proceed:
    “It’s the equivalent to how a magi binds themselves to the void- we, Ascended, recall the Song of Aeriel and to its flow we beckon the fire, manifested through the ethereal plane and through us, therefore permitting the ability to wield Aengul Fire. You know this already, though this analogy is important. Just as a magi may channel their energy through a staff to enhance the stability of their attacks, we can do the very same. As much a complex feat it is, the more you delve into the annals of the Ascended you’ll find yourself more able. Regardless, we’ll begin.
    First, close your eyes, and focus. Listen to the Song of Aeriel and heed its lullaby. Do not fret from its enticing call. With the stave, poise it forth, and course the empyreal energy through its head and bring forth your fire, my brother. Concentrate, imagine the flaring fire within the annals of your mind, and bring it forth to the mortal plane, focusing your energy upon the staff you wield.”
    At that, the student exhales. Closing his eyes he began the process, poising the staff upright whilst he envisioned a black room and within its center, ash, ash that reverted back into its prior state in several stages- from ash, to cinder, cinder, to fire, and fire, to a flaring bonfire. At that, the Ascended-trainee would draw forth the empyreal light as it coursed through the shaft of the stave to burst forth in a haze of deific fire for a few, short moments. Thereafter, the fire ceased its burst, and the apprentice had concluded his lesson in a state of exhaustion. With heavy breaths he eagerly listened.
    “Corruption is fuel for the fire, remember that. Your soulfile ‘rapture’ will burn a foe until they perish. However be careful, a strong enough dark mage can quench the fire with their magic. Now go, but do not use your soulfire in combat yet - you are not ready, I don’t want to see your hurt. 


    Take your departure, and practice. I expect you here three days from now.”


    Do you have a Teacher App you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:

    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:

    No. I had a TA but it was revoked for the rewrite.


  2. 26 minutes ago, Sir K Andruske said:

    The objective should not be "give players an antag." 


    It should be "Tell a unique and interesting story that is relavent to the most amount of our playerbase." & "How do we get people engaged?" 


    Antags should grow from circumstances. Not from necessity. That is why this is destined to fail if you travel down this path. 


    On the other hand the Hou-Zi were meant to fill this space in my mind and I don't think they have done a fantastic job. Despite that I believe you can have faction based storylines. Just make their rp relavent to the server and not just themselves. Antag factions die when they interbreed their RP.




    We're not just going to 'throw an antag' at the playerbase, we want to right a story about how the last stretch of this map unfolds - what happens, why... it should be engaging, as you said. However any good story has an antagonistic force, so we are looking to how we should do that.

  3. 3 hours ago, Nathan_Barnett36 said:

    Can we get video of this. Also, can confirm wolfkite has used different hacks before to. He used tracers during the jburg and courland warzone on Oren side to find where the enemy were at. I remember him saying in ts that the devs like him and don't ban him because he "finds bugs" for them



    If anyone has proof of the guy abusing send it my way and I'll ban him.

  4. 5 minutes ago, cablam said:


    As you can see in the screenshot, the GM team proposed and passed this rule among themselves on March 9th faaaaaaaar before you came anywhere near the issue. Once we put up that rule change though you threw a hissy fit because skill swaps make the server so much money. Also yes people, that is why changes were barred from being made to these things. But what ended up happening was the rule was removed and the GMs were yelled at by the admins, or more specifically 501, but then you go around a month or two later and make the change because "Oh yeah that's broken". Listen to the people who work with this **** day in and day out.


    On top of the previous fact you, months ago, attempted to fix bookshelves deleting books and absolutely fucked them with your first patch. It took you over a day to then try another fix which left bookshelves in a worse state than they were originally! I've told you this time and time again for the past few months and even made another bug report, https://gitlab.lordofthecraft.net/lotc-public/LotC-Tracker/issues/176, but you've yet to even go within 10 feet of the issue that you made worse. People's books are literally being deleted and you don't give a ****. 


    The only reason you were being 'attacked' was because when we brought these concerns forwards to you all we got in response was "We don't need approval" and "We did nothing wrong". As a reference, here is the chat logs Thomas shared previously from out report to Tythus on 501 and Kowaman, https://docs.google.com/document/d/1D_N1HcVLARIM1HcLm3HI3Cv7QqcFzrws5xfWqiTeY8k/edit. Pay close attention for the imgur album shared in the logs.


    That's why you pulled me into a discord voice chat, key word voice because you didn't have the gall to tell it to me over text chat, asking for the claims on wolfkite hacking to be lifted despite him blatantly fly hacking to get into the Orenian palace to proceed to troll. Funny how that works isn't it?


    Speaking of which, Wolfkite was recently unbanned despite what he did warranting a very long ban because of what I can only presume was 501 and Beast's spite for all of us leaving the staff teams. This unbanning went directly against protocol as well since Wolfkite didn't make an appeal to anyone but the admins who then voted on it among themselves rather than taking it to the GM team. Funny how that works isn't it?


    As far as I can remember the last time you notified the GM team of your meetings was at least a month or two ago. 


    This is a flat out lie. GMs cannot search through the inventories of these accounts, something we've brought up many times already. Did I also mention the fact that Devs have been whitelisting alt accounts numerous times without even making a whitelist application? This poses a serious problem for GMs when moderating situations with them involved, something I can say from firsthand experience. 


    That's why in order for the GMs to get /? again you bargained for the Devs to be added back to the GM chats. 


    This isn't really related to the admin issue you brought up but you have on many occasions over stepped your bounds with your permissions. There have been 2 occasions in which you've done investigating in terms of meta gaming, something that is supposed to be left to GMs, and you and your character were directly involved in both situations. Did someone say bias?


    On top of that you have gone off at me in Teamspeak for leaving floating wool borders on regions when they haven't built yet, removed a fast travel because "It wasn't possible" despite there literally being land connecting the two places and most recently you decided to waltz up to the Library of Dragur and worldedit out our giraffe. Stay classy, Kowaman.


    P.S, the tall yellow animal has returned. 


    Lol that's a lot of lies and salt.


    As for books that's a complicated issue that we haven't had the time to look at.

  5. 3 minutes ago, Evocress said:

    So I found a bug... 




    I did /petcall 

    In the mypet plugin and my mob won't spawn. Not even if I jump off while no blocks are under me.


    Should I make a bug-report or will it be fixed asap?





    So if you type in. /petcall. It's a command to summon a custom pet in the AetherVIP perk. If you attempt to summon the pet you'll get spammed with these messages and have no sighting of your pet. Trying to do /petsendaway doesn't work either as it registers the pet being dead. So you'll forever have this spam log until relog to the server.


    Seems this plugin wasn't updated. This will be fixed for the next restart. If the issue persists, we'll have to wait for the plugin's developer to fix it.

  6. Hello, recently Thomas has levied controversy and accusations against the Development Team. Even though he leaves us on poor terms we thank Tom for his work as an Administrator. In this post, we will address the issues he discusses.


    We recognize that our team is not perfect. But, his arguments are inflammatory, discouraging, and diminutive of both our work and our goal. Reality is not so simplistic.


    What do we do?


    Our community supplies us inspiration, from here begins a process. Any member proposes a project. Our team meets, discusses, and finalizes plans. Our meetings are open to both Admins and Directors. The Dev. Director assigns the work to a member and they are given a reasonable amount of time.


    Coding is a slow process, but we try our best to get things done. Though, this is not our only duty.


    Developers are responsible for fixing bugs; managing permissions; resolving complications, tech issues, and complaints; and keeping the server alive.


    “Simply alter a few numbers in a .config file so they can swing a stick faster.”  This is frankly disrespectful of the work that a developer and coder put in to bring back the 1.8 combat system that was long awaited by the community. The main dev who was working on this would spend hours of his time, usually into the early morning preparing the release so that it might run with little bugs and issues. 


     I see many of our members being active and interacting with our community to get their opinion, fixing bugs and developing new plugins. Tom did not struggle, attempt, or even pretend to understand us.  Every month we resolve dozens of bugs; review plugin proposals; discuss our work with community members & staff; and work, and work, and work.


    Our agenda is simple. We want the server to be enjoyable. We create new content, adjust existing content, and remove obsolete content. We want to be transparent. We are happy when you are happy.


    Why does the Development Team make certain choices?


    Our awareness and resources are limited. We can work on a couple of things at a time, and focus on issues that you bring to us. We may miss issues that are not shown or concealed.


    We repair problems not to satisfy friends. We do so once we are notified and able to. i.e. some grapple hook complaints that I felt exaggerated were legitimized when I was shown their behaviour. I knew they were intended to be far less powerful, so I fixed them.




    As the director of the Development Team, I am proud of the work we do. As volunteers, we work because we love this server and care for its future. 


    I find difficulty having two of my developers as administrators. Some conversations in administration chat do not pass by me. Recently, I learned of concerns about my team went through this chat, yet were not brought up with me. I gather it was well-intentioned when Thomas was told, “not to talk to Kowaman about it”, in order to avoid conflict between us. We are able to work things out fine though, and on occasion we have done so.


    It is unhealthy, but I am also at fault. Often I expressed my disagreements about the Game Team to the dev-admins, as opposed to directly. I allow two developers speak for me because they are admins, and I am left in the dark. I sure wish they didn’t. I need to step up as a director, speak for myself, and stop this cycle.




    I failed on communication, especially with the ‘Magic Staffs’ plugin, for which is the main complaint. I aimed to recreate the well-received and fun ’boomstick’ plugin from Anthos. And, I love surprises. So I added a hint of magic to it, but nothing like the proper ‘Magic Plugin’.


    The next day I learn that the Game & Lore teams are livid. I am verbally assaulted, outright put down in their chats, told that ‘the player base hates it’, and demanded to remove it. This devastates me, to place this much of my love and time into a project—only to have it torn apart by those who never even used it. Yet, I heard next to no complaints from the regular players. So I made this comment (https://i.imgur.com/7oCARhX.png). I was done being attacked.


    In hindsight, I should have discussed this with the Lore Team because of its magical basis, and the Game Team because of the adjustments to PvP mechanics. I realized this too late, but at the end of the day, I harmed nobody. 


    But beside ‘Magic Staffs’, we make real efforts to communicate. We invite Admins & GMs to our team meetings, we are open at community meetings, test big changes with Your View threads, and announce them ahead of time.




    You can see developers with hidden alts. We need them. There are many things we cannot do on developer accounts that are recognizable and hold reputation and high permissions. We are not the first team to do so. 


    Developers may not fight in warclaims on PEX’d accounts. I made this decision to minimize both the accusations and the possibility of using our position for PvP abuse. We did not want GM’s compromising them, therefore, we scrambled their IP. These accounts had no special privileges. All moderation actions worked on them. This idea, while flawed, did allow us to RP and PvP undisturbed, in peace.


    We do not tolerate hacking. We do not allow it. We ban hackers without discrimination. For selected people we permit hacked clients, they report exploits, bugs, and test things for us. They are observed closely, and misuse results in an immediate ban. It sounds sketchy, maybe stupid, but it works well.


    Creative Control


    Our control is not limitless, but we have the final say. Our work determines the final product on the server, but we don’t have free reign. For some time now, administrators have deferred judgement for server mechanics to the development team. We act on feedback, we listen to concerns. We consult with the teams that relate to our projects.


    On occasion, we sweep team permissions to assure they are in accordance with their duty. If we miss the mark and remove a necessary permission, we re-add it immediately as we are notified. 


    Our job extends beyond completing a plugin. We must also assure plugin mechanics are implemented and used properly. For this reason, we are involved in many GM sub-teams and discussions. We attend their meetings just as they may attend ours.


    Developer Powers


    Claims of unlimited power are a fantasy. We never have, will not, and cannot remove an administrator. We may have the literal capability to do so and push the button on the machine, but it is not our jurisdiction. Tythus has declared he would reverse the action and strip the developer of their position. Administrators are removed either when they quit or are voted out by their team. We may be the executioners, but we are not the judge and jury.




    Facing this false portrait and these accusations places us in a hard position. It is a bitter dialogue, and it troubles us.


    We take it to heart. We will improve our communication. We will prioritize transparency. But, all this drama is a but much for a Minecraft game—we also want to do what we love. We want to enjoy making cool things, upgrading to the latest and greatest Minecraft version, and delivering that premium content to you all.


    We cover a lot of ground, but our mission is simple. We code for the server, we vest our interest in the server, we upkeep the server—but we do not run the server.


    Thank you.


  7. 6 minutes ago, Chaw said:

    pretty accurate video explaining why PC minecraft has gone down the shitter and updates are autistic like this.



    thanks for the fast update tho..


    Man that dude has mad salt. Although his comments on the non-java version are kinda true, the PC version is the best imo and I disagree with a lot of his points about it. And it would not be easy to have the java and non-java players able to play together, not at all.

  8. Edit: We have delayed this by 30 minutes. Work will begin at 1:30 UTC.


    Hello Denizens of Axios,


    I am very happy to announce that next week we will be upgrading our server to Minecraft 1.12 - The World of Color Update (LotC v5.2)! The Dev Team has been working hard to make this update possible so the new content is available for everyone to use (many thanks to Tofuus). You can read the full change-log for Minecraft 1.12 on the Minecraft Wiki.


    Unfortunately in order for us to continue delivering this premium content to you, the server has to be down for some time. We will be beginning the maintenance on Tuesday, June 27th at 1:00 AM UTC. For NA players this is Monday at 9:00 EST/6:00 PST. UK: 2:00 AM. Melbourne: 11 AM. Expected downtime is 2-4 hours.


    You can look forward to things like: parrots, concrete, and many technical and aesthetic improvements (I'm really excited for the parrots). A full change-log will be posted once the update is complete.



    The Development Team


    p.s. We have checked the logs and believe the vanishing crafts was an isolated incident that occurred on the 14th of May.


    p.p.s. We have got a lot of reports about inventories getting wiped when opening ender chests. We are looking into this. Shoot me a PM if it happens to you.

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