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Everything posted by Ursolon

  1. Failed there with the double, my bad, you can delete this one and that first one...

  2. A little too much Lapis, however it is very close to what I was looking for, welcome to the team, Abysmall.
  3. Not sure if I should be amazed or horrified.
  4. ~Reminder~ The builds should be fitting with the design of the Cloud Temple, I.E. Sandstone, Lapis Lazuli and the same general architectural design to it...
    1. EmeraldStag


      Cool, i like the idea i think i can help.

    2. Ursolon


      Yeah, nice build, just isn't quite fitting for the concept of the library.

    3. EmeraldStag


      it's funny i did that all on my own in a multiplayer ser, it is all made out of stone bricks XD and it is taller then that but that isn't done yet.

  5. Event Planners, MC Names: Ursolon ~ With some very useful help from Auvreaeath and Shiftnative Event Type:Awesome. ( Continuous? The area could be used again for more events ) Event Date: To be set. Factions/Nations effected by the event: Everyone and no one. Not a single person/guild/town/nation in particular, only those who chose to take part in the events that take place during the event and what will come from the end of the event Event Location: To be set. ( Wherever the building is constructed ) Summary: ( RP Behind event ) The Search of the Scrolls, written by Auvreaeath and Ursolon + edited by Shiftnative The need for help As the Kingdom of Seventis’ cities of Sarun and Tyr constantly get attacked by the infamous Black Dragon. The monks desperately attempted to find a way to secure their land and homes. During an assault on Sarun, the monks cry for help was heard, the beast, being injured, had two scrolls knocked out from beneath its scales where they were lodged. The scrolls were pertaining to the use of arcane magic. These scrolls hold a surge of energy allowing the user, even if they do not have any magical influence on Asulon at all, to have the energy rush through your body and soul and will allow you to cast one single spell of great power. As the monks celebrated the newly collected scrolls of magic, intrigued, Monk Talmb grew very curious of their power. He set out to speak to the holders of the discovered scrolls. Talmb, try as he might, was unable to follow the footsteps of the protectors of the scrolls, and returned to the Cloud Temple, defeated. "Brothers, I was unable to find them," he began, and noticed that the men he set out searching for were in fact in the temple itself. As quickly as lightning, the world around them seemed to freeze, the monks had fallen down in shock. Once back on their feet, a monk flew towards the fools in haste and took the scrolls from him and hit them on the back of their heads, “What have you done!?” the monk asked them disappointedly. As they studied the scroll and evaluated its condition, their fears had come true.. The two fools had ruined the ancient text leading the monks to despair. Their hope had faded once more.. Depression Once Again Now, the monks in great depression once more, they had very few options. The dragon attacks pressing on and people beginning to run in all directions in fear of death..They visited the small Monk ruin on Adyton Island to try and found many, dust covered books. They sought something that could tell them more of these scrolls. In hopes to find out more about these dragons in the process. Searching over several moons and they found not one thing. Upon reaching the last shelf of books. The monks grew weary, but Monk Baldur did not. Searching through the last few tomes, he found just what they had been searching for.. The Library of Dur’thain. Rushing towards the Monks to tell them his mind raced with what they would find. As the monks gathered around reading the old tome, they found out what they needed to, where the Library was hidden, when it was made, and how it looked. Though what it contained was hidden, and they knew it would be a dangerous trip to find it. So they called upon the five best warriors of Asulon and gathered them within the temple. An expedition to uncover the lost knowledge was to be lead by Monk Baldur with the chosen warriors, finding the tomes and scrolls would be their goal. ( The part about fools wasting the scrolls actually happened. ) Concept Images/Screenshots: I'll be needing some help with the construction of the library. The idea is that it is another 'Cloud Temple', so it would have nearly identical architecture, however, it would appear ruined and ill-kept. If you're interested in helping, find the requested format below. Other Information: This is the really cool part... Native and I were talking about the various rewards that would be found at the end of this event. One idea would just be that each member of the participating group would receive a one time use scroll of their choice ( Within reason ). However, this was obviously quite bland... SO! A new idea sprung up. During the journey exploring the library, one of the specific items that will be found is a 'recipe'. A recipe for scrolls. A new system will be implemented: Books will be used to simulate a specific item such as a dragon's tooth which a book could be titled "A small chip of a dragon's tooth" and then the book can be RP'd as such. Another example: An event in which a group of players fights and kills a giant spider ( played by a GM ). The reward wouldn't be a diamond sword or (blank) minas, but it would be a book titled "A very large spider eye". A combination of several of these extremely rare items could be used as 'ingredients' to our scroll recipe. For example, if you were to give "A giant's toe", "A chip of a dragon's tooth", "A very large spider eye" and "A giant skeleton's scapula" to a monk ( Specifically those who are devoted to reading the newly discovered manuscripts and tomes found in the library, i'll be creating lore on this later on ), they would be able to ( with enough time ) write a new scroll and enchant it using the items and their natural powers. Build Team Ursolon ~~~ Auv ~~~ Abysmall ~~~ Tyber1231 ~~~ Talfagoron ( Pheonixpro1 ) ~~~ Pok'Ugluk ~~~ Rough idea of where we will be building the library ( The open area between the mountains and the forest ) Those of you who wish to help build and create the library, please respond to this post using the format below. MC Name: Images/Links to your most prestigious builds that you feel are relevant to the design of this library:
  6. New event in the works, hope it goes well when I eventually post the proposal! I'll be needing builders as well, anyone who thinks they can create something lthat looks like a ruined wilven sanctuary, send me a PM with your ideas!

  7. Move this to denied or finished, please. I doubt Salvus will truly burn, this can be moved for now, I'll rewrite and re-post it if need be.
  8. Move this to denied or finished, please. We've decided to keep the desert.
  9. I need a good status update.

  10. Mornin' LotC! I've got state testing today, be home at 1! I expect some awesome RP at ythe Cloud Temple.

  11. A fresh start.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ACanadianCraft (Nate)

      ACanadianCraft (Nate)

      Good luck. I'll miss out hateful, cutthroat RP towards eachother.

    3. Swgrclan


      I always knew that beard was monk-worthy.

    4. Ursolon
  12. I'm planning on rebuilding Ascella as a new outpost for Seventis. I aim for it to look like this when complete: ^ Designed by Halvard Bennett ( mrgeriki ) ^ Perhaps a little RP could be conducted and your guild could run this outpost? EDIT: Didn't realise how late I am to the party here, however, the offer still stands if you are without a home currently.
  13. 3,200+ people online.... We just destroyed out last record.....

  14. ZZZzzzz.... Night LotC.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. nppeck


      Good morning LOTC

    3. Gwonam_Blaze
    4. Slic3man


      Morning, 7:30 AM for me no sleep :D

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