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Everything posted by Ursolon

  1. Yeah, the intention isn't to recolonize. After the war, everything will be burned... This event is to just make the land livable again. After Salvus is ripped to pieces, the whole region would become contested land.
  2. I'll have to work on this more after the war. I plan on proposing that a few Druids get CM to make trees and what not. Ursolon, as my character, probably won't have anything to do with the event. The Druids would be the ones who decide to renew the land, not at the request of a nation.
  3. Everyone go take a look at The Regrowth under event proposals! I'd like to hear everyone's thoughts on what I have so far.

    1. Dasaro


      Will do, will this be in Fairfield?

    2. Ursolon


      Nope. The Grove near Solace.

    3. Dasaro


      Very nice, just checked it out.

  4. Made this last night, I'd love to hear everyone's thoughtshttp://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/50129-the-regrowth/

    1. Ursolon
    2. Ursolon


      Well, no idea why the link wont work. Anyway

      It's under event proposals, take a look.

      The Regrowth.

  5. Whether or not I expand on this idea depends on the outcome of the recently declared war on Salvus. Event Planners, MC Names: Ursolon Event Type: N/A Event Date: Depends on the outcome of the war on Salvus, however, it would start several weeks ( elven ) after the destruction of the land. Factions/Nations effected by the event: Nation of Salvus (whatever's left of it), the druids of the grove located in Salvus, near Solace. Event Location: Majority of the land currently controlled by the Nation of Salvus. More specifically the grove in Salvus Summary: ( Assuming the war goes as planned. ) After the end of Salvus, the coalition of nations who removed Dawn and the corrupt "ordinators" from power will destroy the surrounding land to ensure that it is completely uninhabitable. We'll turn the land into an utter wasteland. Nothing will be left. The countryside will be harsher than the orcish lands. The main idea for this event is to renew the land. Salvus is a large nation that lays claim to a large chunk of land and so it will be a very large scar in Asulon and therefore I personally feel that it shouldn't be permanent. The plan is that when we wipe any sign of life from the lands of Salvus, the Grove will be spared. The druids would work together to spread life to the wasteland once more, slowly but surely the land would become renewed. Rain would fall in lands that have faced several year long droughts. Trees would grow from the cracked earth. Animals would be able to frolic in the newly formed woods. The whole point is to basically 'restart' the land in Salvus. After the war, everything will be destroyed. Nothing will be able to live there and nothing will be able to grow. The druids would be able to use the power of the grove to spread new life to the tainted landscape of Old Salvus. Concept Images/Screenshots: N/A Other Information: I still need to talk to the druids about this. This idea could end up totally scrapped. I'd really just like to hear everyone's opinions on the concept. Also, like I said, it all depends on the outcome of the war. If we lose, this will be scrapped. If we win, plans may change, we may not destroy the land and therefore this wouldn't be relevant. So anyway... I'll add more detail and information after the battle this coming Sunday. EDIT: If anyone is interested by this and would like to take part in it, send me a PM.
  6. @Divinus: Last night someone already attempted to assassinate me. Two arrows... One to the arms and the other in the shoulder. I'm lucky Nalyn was around...

    1. Cereidon (Tetsuzaru)

      Cereidon (Tetsuzaru)

      Nalyn the flower person? She protected divinus?

  7. I think I'll write something up claiming my ownership of Ascella... Bout' time I go through with my original plans....

    1. nppeck


      Well, if you do take over please remove the bad RPers, expand the town, eliminate the guildhouses, fix the gates, remove the bridge, get fast travel to Seventis... shall I go on?

    2. Divinus


      -New target acquired-

    3. Cereidon (Tetsuzaru)

      Cereidon (Tetsuzaru)

      ohh! Thats why you have a VA...<--SLOW

  8. Oh boy! My Easter brunch was amazing. Homemade waffles with fresh and local strawberries plus whipped cream. U jelly bro?

    1. Αμφίονας


      And then I realized the true meaning of jellously. *eats a cookie with a sad face

  9. Well then.... Been about 3 days since I changed the title to "Awaiting GM Approval" and I've seen a Nation and another village get accepted before mine has even been reviewed. SADFACE. http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/49323-the-town-of-fairfield-awaiting-gm-approval/

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. xmrsmoothx


      Don't fret. We shouldn't be having any new towns anyways.

    3. Ursolon


      Did you even read it? I already have a town, I just need some more land.

    4. Dasaro


      Oh awesome man! I love your town Ursolon; nice

      and serine :P I like de underground too :D

  10. Awesome... Apparently Fairfield was 'attacked'... So either someone is getting banned for attacking without a war claim, or someone is getting banned for abusing their perms and griefing.... OR I'm going to kill Vaq for causing another chunk error like the one in Ascella. RAGE

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Aislin


      Well if it's only 5 people you don't need a warclaim.

    3. TMGavLan


      It's not damaged, I just looked. - Don't sweat it.

    4. Ursolon


      Well some of the town members repaired it already.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ursolon


      Or rather, anybody who is capable of reviewing these things, check it out.

    3. freshkidp


      can i join?

    4. o_Ben_o


      Wooo i can finally get a house!

  11. Just 2 and a half hours before I can be with you again, LotC, my love.

  12. Maybe you can look into having it 'fixed'...

  13. MIT appears that Native hasn't read the PM about the path to Fairfield... So going off that and the response to my last status update, I doubt he made it. Therefore, I'd like to dedicate THIS status update the mysterious GM/Admin who created the road, so thank you. It is greatly appreciated by myself and Fairfield. If you don't mind, I'd love to know who did make it so I can thank them personally.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. nppeck


      Fairfield is that town right by the cloud temple.

    3. shiftnative


      Oh yeap, that was me ~

    4. Ursolon


      Between Seventis and Ascella.

  14. Goodnight, Lord of the Craft! I'll see you tomorrow afternoon! And this status is also for Native who made a road to Fairfield. Thanks!

    1. shiftnative


      x_x lemme find coords.. *thumbs through messages*

  15. Now I remember what I was going to say.... NEW SKIN! :D

  16. I don't know what to say for this status update... My last one is irrelevant now so I feel that I need to change this. So here goes nothing. Nope, nothing. Ok. Done.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. 0000


      I can't think of what to say in this comment.

    3. Ursolon


      I c wut u did thar, alkenaar.

    4. 0000


      I didn't, cause I didn't do anything.

  17. Not sure if down or DDos'd http://planetminecraft.com/

    1. 0000


      If it was down the Curse site would be like "Dude, it's down." I think DDoS'd

    2. Ursolon
    3. gabriel101x1


      It is working now.

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