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Status Updates posted by Sythan

  1. woke up at 3am to fight in the battle. I ended up fighting for the wrong side. I don't know what I'm doing :(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Demotheus


      Yeah! Wake up half an hour earlier to syou can get your head checked before going into battle! :D <3

    3. Sythan


      They told me to meet somewhere. I woke up and they were not there. Someone messaged me saying meet at these coords which happened to be the center of the castle.

    4. Knox213


      my bad on that part Sythan, apologies. I marched the troops early because I kind of left Stafyr unattended, tried picking up the stragglers later on, but had to leave.

  2. I have wirtten a VA with my moral boundaries. If something happens to that char that changes his morals, do I need to write a mini app saying what caused this change?

    1. Gwonam_Blaze


      I don't believe so; You only need to write a mini-VA when you are adding evils or removing them, so you'll only need to write one if the changes in his morals will affect what evils he needs.

    2. Overland


      I've been told that events that change your character in regards to your VA would need a mini-VA. So I think it would be best to ask a VAT member, to be sure.

    3. Hunter (sckolar)

      Hunter (sckolar)

      Last I checked (Which was months ago) yes. If your characters intentions/motives changed, then you had to update.

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