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Status Replies posted by Wode

  1. What would happen if everyone was Et...

  2. I think most of what is 'killing' LoTC will be fixed with 4.0, what about you

  3. I think most of what is 'killing' LoTC will be fixed with 4.0, what about you

    1. Wode


      Why not just build a dense hub for each city then let them be developed by the populations? Allows for slums and different types of accommodation to emerge+ should help to stop ghost towns

    2. (See 18 other replies to this status update)

  4. Someone name my favorite faction on Rome: Total War and then tell me if I should post a straight faced photo on Show Yourself or one that is shocking.

  5. Anger isn't something I show for a video game. Good luck Wode.

    1. Wode


      Kudos for not being too hung up on the ban, bad blood's not worth any fuss man

    2. (See 21 other replies to this status update)

  6. Sending your teachers a corrupted .docx because you cant be bothered to write an essay

    1. Wode


      Yeah! Education is bad! Let's specifically go out of our way to not learn things!

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  7. Lest we forget those we lost in Aegis...

    1. Wode


      not sure if political satire, or stupidity the likes of which has never been seen before

  8. Just beat gta V!

    1. Wode


      forfeiting any credibility as a human being in doing so

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  9. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: What did Dawn Perea, Gaius Marius and Felix Farnsworth vie for?

  10. C9 is out. I'm going to go cry.

    1. Wode


      C9 died violently in a car crash game, xPeke as kassadin was never ending well was it xD

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  11. I just had that moment where you realize how f***ed up the world is. In Kenya, mass shooting in a shopping mall, 63 killed, 200 or more injured. And meanwhile, I'm sitting here on a forum. Makes you feel. . .useless.

    1. Wode


      World's not that fucked up.. **** dies A LOT. All day erryday

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  12. I'll vote for a cookie.

    1. Wode



  13. I'm going to miss ohawkzo he was actually pretty cool despite his old mishaps :(

  14. Have you guys forgotten about me? ;-; Please say you haven't! Remember Violet Frost, my dark elf character (My only one) a really sweet soul, who was usually tormented by others?

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