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Scarlet Kaiser

Ender VIP
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Status Updates posted by Scarlet Kaiser

  1. Someone on this server who knows about Touhou?

    I almost thought that I would never would see this day

  2. Well hi there :D It is mighty dandy to see to meet you ^_^

  3. Found the imposter! :D

  4. Its alright, these things happen. Perhaps another time ^_^

  5. It's fine. It was some fun little RP :P

  6. Arabella misses her adopted daughter... just letting you know

  7. I got your comment and I would like to thanks

    for your opinion. I have thought about it in the past but maybe I should look into in the

    future. Anyway, thanks ^_^

  8. Me and MetaSol agree that Corlette Faintree

    and Sellsword Thorn WILL get married somehow.

    They would make an adorable couple, agreed?

  9. Psst... your missing out on the Avatar Roleplay

    on the forums... just giving you a heads up :3

  10. Sorry that I haven't been on for awhile. I have been taking time off of LOTC after some to be with my lifelong friends before they all scatter off to college as well as getting back into drawing. Anyway, may not be online tomorrow but the day after most likely. Sorry for keeping Arabella (Nua) away from Dynasty for too long ^_^;

  11. There was internet troubles. And I have been busy with friends, family, as well as collage coming up soon. Should be able to start playing regularly soonish, working on fixing the desktop.

  12. Hee... 305 people online, log in LOTC anyway. Thanks VIP donation perk!

  13. I approve of the Mage's Guides practices for testing applicants.

  14. I think the spiders are plotting the demise of the elves as they drink. Thoughts? http://tinypic.com/r/jrxy4g/8

  15. The Event Team has been promoted to Admin status! All hail our ET overlords!

  16. Where have I been? Gosh I dunno. I now its been years but thanks for the message wondering where I was. Doubt you will see this but hey here is to hoping :P Hope things have been well for you.

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