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Everything posted by EmeraldStag

  1. Changed my Avatar again, this time with a cooler gif then before!

  2. Can someone direct me to a COMPLETELY FREE program/software to help fix the Errors on my laptop? Completely free, can't have any hidden fees, and cannot work only a small bit and then take me to a page to buy it.

  3. I am very confused by tonights episode of Psych.......Are they two different realities? Two different times? I am confused....

    1. EmeraldStag


      AND WHEN I MAKE THAT the who thing flips on it's head @[email protected] is a total Mind Frig sometimes.

  4. I used to be a legendary hero like you, but then I took an arrow in the heel.

    1. Elfen_
    2. Tee-Tree



    3. JtPv


      If you are Achilles, you used to be a legendary hero like you, but then you took Catholicism to the everything.

  5. Time for Night Night....school....ugh......One final thought: Why do states in the USA have such.....dumb laws that, ultimately, bring mockery to the entirety of the judicial system? It just seems.....moronic that there is a law that says you can't spit on seagulls. Now, it is wrong to abuese animals, but having a law that specifically says that is just.....*Facepalms* Alright then, my thoughts are over. I shall read yours in the morning. Nn.

  6. I pity the people who set off the bombs, their lives must so fudged up if they feell the need to bomb somehting.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Ever


      err, it doesn't really work like that.

    3. Lord_Sauron_


      The third explosion was (I believe) police detonating their own explosions in an area where there was suspicion of more explosives.

    4. SparehoeCakes


      No, there was a fire or explosion or something at a library. But there was a police explosion as well.

  7. I wish I could -1 this one post....it literally made no sense at all.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. EmeraldStag


      Angelos, no. Stop. This is not what this was about. Y u people assuming? I had even already stated what this was about.

    3. V0idsoldier


      I du what i want.

    4. EmeraldStag
  8. Some how, I always end up ,making the next page on a forum thread.

  9. So, North Korea has been being a whiney noob for a while now, and I found the perfect video to describe my thoughts on them.

    1. EmeraldStag


      Warning: Mature Language.

    2. Shadeleaf


      -_- < ((Not trying to be racist just unimpressed))

    3. EmeraldStag


      I was never trying to impress anyone :P and idk what you mean by Racist.

  10. If any of you have seen the Lego Star Wars series, then that is probably what you can expect from Disney.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. EmeraldStag


      Since Cartoon Newtwork Decided to make it one.

    3. JtPv


      ...Did you just say Cartoon Network and Disney were the same thing?

    4. Kaun


      I hope not much changes, my lil' bro will pulverize them if they messed with the animated series.

  11. Life is too short to keep having Drama.

  12. Not sure what is going on with all this hi business. I am more of a sophisticated stag and I shall say Hello.

    1. Lykos



    2. Dargene


      Good day my good sir, may i interest you in a cup of tea. (HOWS TAHT FOR SOPHISTICATED MOTHER=---

  13. And you'll remember this day as The Day You Almost Caught, Captain Emerald Stag. *melts into a puddle of molten emerald lava and seeps into the ground, disappearing from the world*

  14. How does a person with an appearntly good application go and do THIS? How? The facepalms I have had have been the most powerful and damageing ones I have ever had.

    1. Shorsand


      It's not that great of an app. Some people can just spew that out like it's nothing.

    2. Cappy


      It's called a troll.

  15. I need all of the sad and depressing Legend of Zelda images you can MUSTER! But not this one http://imgur.com/gallery/DYQSwYN I already have it.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Lykos


      Hah, Link died.

      Guess he forgot about the ol' fairy in a jar. +1 Darwin Awards



      Too bad SS sucked and no one cares about that link. Giant noses

    4. EmeraldStag


      <_< I care about that link, and I do not think it sucks. >_> You may leave now.

  16. So, who else has epic .gif Avatars? If you do, you should say what it is from because Why Not?

    1. Ever


      Wandering Son anime.

    2. EmeraldStag


      Neat. Mine is from Is This A Zombie? Anime.

    3. Dargene


      Wish i could but i dont know how to get it.

  17. So.....it has been 2 days since my 1 year on the server......I am a Total Tophat. Woo.

    1. hammer01


      so thats how to get that...

  18. Those were quiet a few rude things to do people. <_ why you so hateful>

  19. Loving my new Avatar.

    1. Dargene


      How did you.. gif

    2. EmeraldStag


      I had to resize it to below 200X200 in size.

  20. Psst what is the current max image .gif size A total Tophat can use?

  21. *spiffs his newly reclaimed Tophat* So, today marks the day I first signed int the forums and become what I am today. I wonder what I am gonna do to mark it.

  22. So.....My one year on the forums is comin' on up here......wow.....Time sure does fly.....

    1. EmeraldStag


      It is not that time YET. Just saying.

  23. 8/10 You gave me perms that one time, and, ya know, cuz I have seen you around the forums as well.
  24. 5/10 I have seen you around on the forums in various places.
  25. Sometimes, when I know I have pwned people with my words, I kinda feel like adding in: I think you need some Aloe for your BUUUUUUUUUUUUUURN.

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