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Diamond VIP
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Status Replies posted by ~≈Panda≈~

  1. lotc withdrawl...

  2. So many special snowlfake names these days.

  3. Panda can't wait to get back online to Roleplay after sushi! ^_^

  4. http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/86955-pandas-ban-appeal-bananapealia/ There are interesting stories in the screenshots if any one likes interesting stories. Also torture of little girls! YEAH!
  5. http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/86955-pandas-ban-appeal-bananapealia/ There are interesting stories in the screenshots if any one likes interesting stories. Also torture of little girls! YEAH!
  6. Do people always complain in RP fights?

  7. Just submitted my first VA. Kinda both nervous and confident. That's probably for the best.

  8. Hm.. Should Panda make an appeal? * gets distracted by a shiny penny and does the penny dance around it *

  9. lol why am I laughing =D

  10. Minas in anthos are really like a violent stock market. Some times they are worth so much, and other times they are worth nothing and no one wants to deal with them.

  11. Minas in anthos are really like a violent stock market. Some times they are worth so much, and other times they are worth nothing and no one wants to deal with them.

  12. I have so much free time, and nothing to make it productive...

  13. So, typically when I RP I apply Occam's razor to all of my emotes. I keep them short, except on the rare occasion I show off. I do this out of simplicity, as what is the point of writing lines of text pointlessly. Apparently, however, according to some people not on this server, this makes me a "S**t RPer". Thoughts?

  14. "Snoop Lion, REINCARNATED." No Snoop Dogg, stop, please.

  15. Delaselva only ever killed one person. He beat a man to death who stole a book from his library, with the book he stole from the library.

  16. To make an antagonist app or to not make an antagonist app...

  17. Well, taking a break from Skyrim. Back to DarkSouls, da bestest game evar.

  18. So, erm, don't know how to say this, but if anyone gets a creepy story ffrom Panda over skype, even if its a quote from me, I had no part in writing it.....

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