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Everything posted by Graf

  1. Bob Saget DDoSed and banned a player in 1990

  2. Richard Hightower walks past the poster, nodding to himself. He proceeds to send a bird, ordering a set of chain armour.
  3. IGN: Graf RP-Name: Rose Do you hold any prior faction allignment: Nothing that would matter to you. Are you willing to dedicate your life to the Storm-sword: ✔ Do you understand desertion or breaking your contract mean's execution: ✔ Skype (Feel free to PM it): benji420cob.swagmasteryolo.mcshekelstein.royimbestgm.ilovecappy(at)hotmail.com.cz.ru
  4. I) Full Name: Alice Fáóláin-Hightower II) Any existing ties, worth notice: Still ambiguous as of yet. Founder. III) Place of origin: Salvus, Thales. IV) Intention of desired strand, of the trinity (Arts, music or literature) for specialism: Music V) Current status of Citizenship (Salvian, or otherwise): Founder; Salvian. VI) Reasoning in becoming of the Bards: Fun VII) Potential projects you may aspire to do: Salvian anthem. VIII) Does Salvus represent peace, or war? Peace. IX) Where is the Republic located, currently? South-eastern peninsula. X) Which holds more heavier punishment: Racism or Anti-Enlightenment? Anti-Enlightment. XII) Which body holds highest power within the Republic? The Inner Chamber. XII) How often may the Curator of the Bards be changed, and what does this coincide with? An election every 16 years. OOC Section: I) Do you have Skype, for contact and general purposes? If so, what is your Skype name? Is it not obvious? II) Do you have any questions, thoughts or confusions about what the Bards are, or what they do, or even just wanting to challenge its existence? Jet fuel.
  5. I like the idea, there is not much specific flying wildlife in LotC. Would these birds be able to send messages if tamed?
  6. Forgot whether warclaims are IC or OOC, so here's both: Caroline Hightower sits in the corner, listening to the meeting. She nods with agreement at Daren's final statement then looks down to the cast on her leg, a frown appearing on her face. She sighs and limps upstairs, disappointed. ((Good luck everyone, 10KB/s internet is not good for PvP.))
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