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Everything posted by Nekkore

  1. 10/10 I only know you in Skype. We need to RP some times.
  2. I wish my teachers actually gave me homework cause now I'm dead bored of everything in the house...

  3. That moment you listen to a song and notice its just painfully true...

    1. Lym


      "I'm sexy and you know it."

  4. 4 more days until I'm off school...

    1. gingernut97
    2. Bucky_24


      You two need better/worse schools... I have been out for close to 6 weeks

  5. Application Minecraft Name: Ninjatuna132 Skype username (optional): nuhriel.reyes Character Name: Nep il Viola Character Age: 18 Race: Human Gender: Female What are your skills: I can use swords but I think I can use more guidance. What are your ambitions: To find a cause and hope everything I try to do is right. Do you promise to follow the Kyzr and the values and ideas of the guild: I promise. I won't break it.
  6. 10/10 I obviously know you! :D
  7. Great the moment when every year you have an illness strikes at a specific season. Mine is back again...

    1. Shorsand


      I feel you. Mine's around February. Terrible vomiting and intense fever.


  9. A harpy attacks Abresi...

  10. 10/10 Leave me alone you ghost, I gave you your high rating! (Jks Who doesn't know you?)
  11. I rest my case on this sword, you have my support you've shown a lot of work through it and I would hate to see it to go to waste. +1
  12. Hmm. Interesting but to avoid powergaming how exactly are you going to avoid that?
  13. So technically anyone with good combat ability have a bigger advantage in using this sword or am I just mis interpreting this?
  14. "I'm going to change you like a remix, then I'll raise you like a Phoenix."

  15. 10/10 That's okay I don't need sleep ;-;
  16. ((Is it just me or is the text broken?))
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