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Everything posted by Nekkore

  1. -2/10 just because I love you.
  2. 7/10 I see you here and there.
  3. -1/10 it's going to keep dropping.
  4. 5/10 your not mah true kitteh!
  5. Ugh creepy eye glowers...
  6. Wow something different for once, I like this one you have my support. Good luck!
  7. The awkward moment when all the chemistry jokes argon

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Sentlit


      Ion- I lost an electron!

      Bartender- Are you sure?

      Ion- Im positive!

      Badumm tss~

    3. danic


      So Helium walks into a bar, the bartender says "Sorry, we don't serve Inert gases here". Helium doesn't react.

    4. ryno2


      <insert midget joke>

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