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Status Updates posted by iseemoosego

  1. http://gyazo.com/281a9593a2c58cbf75e6c15168e6e237 Good luck to those who applied! I think he is reviewing :3
  2. 32/9/12 as Corki in LoL. Only level 10 too! Yay!

    1. cj_scout


      pics or it didn't happen.

    2. iseemoosego



      I don't want to download Gyazooooo

  3. Anyone have 1.4.5 downgrader

    1. Roxforbraynz


      Download the .jar at:


  4. Anyone know a good headset with a good microphone phat could be used for Youtube or something like that?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. iseemoosego


      You guys are being so Contradicting! EEEK!

    3. ThatCanadian


      Well, to be honest, if you look at Video's made my Seananners he uses a headset, if you look at video's made by TheSydicateProject he uses a studio mic. If you can tell the difference in Audio then you must have better hearing then I do because I can't. Go with what is cheapest. Do your research, watch YouTube video's to see the reviews on them. Often times they will post their video's actually using the headsets and mics! Find the cheapest but best option for you :D

    4. iseemoosego


      My friend told me to get the Blue Yeti. He said it was really good. I am going to get that

  5. Anyone know what things you need for Total Tophat on the forums?

  6. Anyone know what things you need for Total Tophat on the forums?

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. V0idsoldier


      There is supposed to be Pinsir :(

    3. Pinsir99


      Aw... And WHAT IS Brilliant Breezer?

    4. Mish_


      Oh, then in like December I'll be a tophat!

  7. Boy. That Escalated Quickly.

  8. Congrats to the new additions to the Event Team!

    1. DruinsBane


      So who am I congratulating?

    2. iseemoosego


      Patriotic fool, Acornlad and Dukester

  9. Do you need a VA to be emotionally unstable?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Akeron


      It's questions like this that forced me to leave unfortunately.

    3. Wode


      Then no, go nuts!

      ..No pun intended :L

    4. iseemoosego
  10. Febuary Vacation is the best.

  11. Guess who's back. Back Again. Moose is back. Tell anyone you want. Most of you dont care but hi.

  12. How do you catch the plague? And what are the symptoms?

    1. everblue2er101


      I left a comment on your profile.

  13. I am tired of LOTC right now. See you in a few days.

  14. I am tired of LOTC right now. See you in a few days.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. steelersfan1221


      i know them feels bruh

    3. iseemoosego


      Yeah. I had the best weekend of my life going.

    4. Kael'Salai


      That is how I feel right now :I

  15. I don't believe this. In a way I don't think everyone is leaving.

  16. I dunno if I like these character card things. I was going to come back by making a new character to interest me again. But with this having to stick on one character unless you do certain stuff I dont like.

    1. Minst


      Basically, you make one card. Then just switch names when you want to switch characters, and ignore the rest of the card.

    2. iseemoosego


      What if I want two descriptions?

  17. I have finals tomorrow and I am freaking out. 20% of your grade is /a lot/

    1. V0idsoldier


      I got exempt from mine. Next week is my last week, and we're doing nothing. Good luck on yours, they are actually really easy. I took a look at my schools, its like a review lol. No need to be nervous!

  18. I knew Telanir *turns into a hipster* before he was famous

    1. EmeraldStag


      I was voting *turns his Fancy Fedora* Before it was profitable.

  19. I think the server is up :D

  20. I was accepted the same day as Rhia. o.o

  21. I will not be on much in the coming days. If you need me PM me.

  22. If you have ever roleplayed with me I would be super happy if you could put a comment on my Event Team app. I played Zoey in Kalos, and Torrah in Anthos. http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/91657-actor-iseemoosegos-event-team-application/

    1. iseemoosego


      Shameless self advertising.

    2. SortedJarhead
  23. In this picture it shows almost all the people leaving in a TS chat. So I am call troll http://gyazo.com/256cc21be1cdb98b86b9cec3b0f965dd

    1. Mini Mordie - Mafia

      Mini Mordie - Mafia

      All the White Roses. :3 Also, it's not a troll. I can assure ya.

    2. Kim


      A couple of those peeps are actually leaving D:

    3. seannie


      they are not allowed to leave ts?

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