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Everything posted by Ford

  1. MC name= Speedillion Race= Wood Elf(Mali'Ame) Age= 14(IRL) 127(IC) Are you wanted?=Yes, I am wanted for my skills, but I have chosen to be with this certain order have you a VA?= No What are your skills?=100 swords, 60 archery, 30 herbalism, 20 stealth
  2. +-OOC-+ MC Name: Speedillion Timezone: EST Skill Levels: Lumberjacking: 0 Swordsmanship: 100 Mining: 0 Cooking: 0 Fishing: 0 Farming: 0 Excavation: 0 Archery: 60 Wrestling: 0 Axe Mastery: 0 Blacksmithing: 3 Stealth: 20 Herbalism: 30 Link to a VA? If applicable: N/A +-IC-+ Name: Valon Haldamir Simple but Sweet Biography: Valon plans to find a nice place for him and his lover to settle down. He cannot afford a home for now, but he plans to explore with her. Skills or Traits you have Affinity towards: Skilled at swords and archery. Minor wilderness survival experience. Past jobs and/or experiences: Nope Reason for seeking a position as a Vallark Bannerman: To become a knight and hopefully gain more respect. Have you sworn The Vallark Service Oath? (Copy/Paste it Here): I, Valon Haldamir, pledge myself to an oath of service to House Vallark. I swear to carry out with any orders or instruction given to me by any superiors and to follow them without question or comment. I shall do to the best of the ability of my mind and body to further House Vallark and I announce them as my lieges whom which I faithfully serve. I will never go against House Vallark by committing acts of treason or by acting in such a way that either betrays the trust bestowed upon me by my lieges or helps to weaken the household. I must receive permission from a blood member of House Vallark in order to resign from my position. If I choose to disregard this pledge of service, so help me God.
  3. Im back from a week long biology camp for minorities....Hello everyone....

    1. ~≈Panda≈~


      That sounds like the strangest camp Panda has every heard... Good jaerb.

  4. Was working on a magic app....accidentally deleted everything.....Just great.......

    1. gabriel101x1


      That's why I keep backups.

  5. About to be a freshman in High School. Let the good times begin....

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Korvic


      I don't know if this is because I'm canadian and candians are nice. :3 But when my freshman year wasn't bad at all...

    3. steelersfan1221


      Same here. Gonna miss middle school. So easy...So fun. Also, 90% of my schoool goes to one school, 10% goes to the other. :/ Sucks for me

    4. Narco


      Lol, freshman year isn't bad at all at my school, nobody even cares.

  6. Welp Im banned.....time to watch cute pictures of puppies D;

  7. Whats on MY mind? Stalking people in the world of Asulon and getting into their private lives!! Woot

    1. ~≈Panda≈~


      Oh, so you saw those little personal bits ~

  8. What's on my mind? Being accepted!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Viper3X


      Congratulations! Have fun in the world of Asulon! ~

    3. Heff



    4. Kvasir


      YOU WONT ******* DO IT 

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