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Status Updates posted by Dargene

  1. Kirble space program.. All i have achieved is killing and blowing **** up...

  2. DayZ was going so well.. till i ran out of ammo

    1. MrSyth


      What's your alive-record? Mine's 6 hours 38 mins.

    2. Dargene


      Over 9000! :D jks. Just about under a hour because iv just started Without my normal group xD.

    3. MrSyth


      Yep, you certainly need team members.

  3. Lym is below me mwhehehe

    1. Lym


      Aye, Captain Obvious~

    2. ♦ Kal ♦

      ♦ Kal ♦

      Yo dawg. I put Lym below you in your status, that says he is below you, so he can be below you, while he is below you.

    3. Dargene
  4. *Sits ontop of three reputation* Mwheheheh

    1. Dr. Eggnog

      Dr. Eggnog

      *falls attempting to sit

      on 0 rep*


    2. Pum!


      -Sits on top of her two reputation- AHAH! I have /two/ rep! BOW DOWN TO ME, MORTAL ANTS!!

  5. besst day thursday, only 3 lessons with 3 free periods :P

  6. I have noticed in pretty much every alien movie... humans are ****, We have crappy weapons and armour even like 100 years in future xD

    1. Dargene


      Also aliens are always like.. LEts invade!

    2. SebastianA500


      exept if you watch doctor

      who!!! (which is not a movie)

    3. Garret Baretta (preston19)
  7. Hackers on dayZ.. Not sure if i like them or hate them.. They spawned in guns and stuff me and some dudes killed them and stole there stuff...

    1. Nononymous


      Ever hear of the game "Bots" by Acclaim before they got shut down? Now that was a game where hackers were loved.

  8. Dont we still have a dayZ server ?

    1. Akeron


      Asked the same thing. No one answered, so I figure no.

    2. Austin


      no it got shutdown

    3. Neri


      DayZ is too exploitable at the given moment - until the ARMA team makes the game not hackable by 5 year olds, then Vaq will maybe reconsider.

  9. DayZ installation SO CONFUSIN D:

  10. Going to have another crack at installing DayZ wish me luck

  11. *Insert useless and unhelpfull comment about server being down here*

  12. 0.02% Of forum posts are mine >:D Mwhahaa

  13. FTL *Gets Invaded by other team, Proceeds to use airlock*

  14. FTL so fun!

    1. ♦ Kal ♦

      ♦ Kal ♦

      And then all of a sudden 4 mantis beam aboard and kill your entire crew... XD

    2. Dargene


      Nope, Airlock :D

  15. pokemmo = nostalgagasm

  16. Someone give me a vulpix in pokemmo :3

  17. I want a vulpix in pokemmo :(

  18. Pokemmo OMG SO EXCITED

  19. STARTING MY POKEMMO ADVENTURE! Just waiting for it to log in.. take awhile dont it

  20. Yay Weekend, Goin to party tomorrow1

  21. Ahh Being an Ai on space station 13, So forfilling.

  22. Ingame can i say Go to hell if im an elf ?

  23. Rejected for a forum rp *Sniff* Oh well ;P Always look on the bright side...... I can find another one.

  24. Mass effect Question of the day: Did you sabotage the genophage cure, Or did you Help the krogan ?

    1. Jarkarll


      I helped da Krogan's brah. I was Paragon.

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