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Status Updates posted by Dargene

  1. 1 more post till my 200 post :D

  2. 1 more post till my 200 post :D

  3. :O 5 more posts till my 200 post

    1. nppeck


      200 more posts till my 3000th post.

    2. MonkeyCoffee


      200 more posts 'till my

      1000th post

    3. Mpana


      You gonna use it to expel me? :P It was your hawk's fault

  4. Yay my picture updated!

  5. >.

    1. Urahra


      It sometimes takes a minute to change. Don't worry. :)

  6. Jesus.. So many Forum rps im in now....

  7. Jesus.. So many Forum rps im in now....

  8. School -_-.. at least the girl i like goes there ^^

    1. xFrozt


      that's the spirit!

  9. I love you all ;3

    1. Dargene


      Well most of you

    2. Dargene


      Well most of you

    3. Aiden


      Sounds legit

  10. The cycle continues.....

  11. D: pc broken, think its the motherboard.... netbook sucks..so small and have to hitsomeofthe keys to get a response.... like the Space key

    1. Jibuis Winterborn (Vinnie)

      Jibuis Winterborn (Vinnie)

      Better news, I got the tekkit server up!

  12. You learn something new everyday... Today i learn hampsters bite....and it bloody hurts

    1. Amorphbutt


      Time for a new sock.

    2. Amorphbutt


      And a new bone for your dog.

  13. One mistake-- BOOM hated...

    1. Lego XBOX

      Lego XBOX

      I think I may be in the situation...

  14. Well... Now i feel like an idiot

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dargene


      >.< Used a skin but it turns out it was private even though you could download it of pmc (not that private), but it should be all good, my friends altering it and it will be ready tomorrow

    3. Lirinya


      Kinda did say who it was for on LoTC...which is what he means by private. Even if it is downloadable...

    4. Dargene


      Private would = Not downloadable, Also i did not see that.

  15. Would be an orc slave.. If i could bloody understand them.. All i see in chat when i hear them talking is Dem da wa bel doaw fjaw guioh

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Dargene


      Mogroka... I can translate barely xD

      what is this gibberish thats (no idea)

      orcs not bla like this ork (no idea)

    3. Sultan


      Il speak in old orcish and you would not understand me one bet :P

    4. Watyll


      Mogroka said, What is this gibberish you are speaking huh?

      Orcs don't talk like that orcs talk well.

  16. Spinning on my spinny chair...

  17. Would be sitting in class.. but teacher sent me home because of my cough...

  18. Attacking Gaius's book with all my brain.. Its not Anagram, I have tried Dewording-rewording, Random encryption, normal encryption... Nothing seems to work. i have to conclude its a new language...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Austin



    3. Dargene


      To me they are

    4. Jarkarll


      I guess speaking 3 languages fluently comes in handy, eh?

  19. Look away from screen, Look back i now have a book in my hand called: Zxm gxhyr xp zxm Zyl'Mxktlm. by gaiusmariux8 Wording is unreadable.. not sure what to think

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Samoblivion


      Does the message say 'Zam gahir ap zam Zil'Maktum'?

    3. Ibn Khaldun

      Ibn Khaldun

      Make Forum Post, get attention :3

    4. Dargene


      Trying to translate it. not going well so far.

      no idea what it is, Not anagram, not encripted, made up language possable ?

  20. Wanting Rp so bad. Call me on 555-Pixlelove

  21. Welcome to the server, enjoy your stay and rp experience, just me being nosy i read all applications too see who gets accepted and your application was one of the best ones i have seen in a long while. congrats!

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