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Status Updates posted by Dargene

  1. 2k Profile views O.o uhh what

    1. SparehoeCakes


      10.6k Umm what. :P

  2. 399 Posts :D What should i do for my 400 one :P

  3. 4 8 15 16 23 42

    1. TommyRedblue


      Nooo! They're cursed!

  4. 4 Rep :O *Sits on top of them* Soon they shall hatch into more!

  5. 5 days till its my 1 year anniversary on lotc.

  6. 609 users online the forums.. bloody hell

    1. Aren Whitestorm

      Aren Whitestorm

      Time when Yogscast liked our video....Forum crashes, forum crashes everywhere.

  7. 9 days till school...... DANG!

  8. 941 Profile views.. Wut ?

  9. A game of dwarves FUN AS HELL :D

  10. About a month ago dota2 gave me 6 keys, today they gave me another 6.. i have 12 keys xD

  11. According to the vanguard... Im too british to be promoted O.o

  12. After 30 minutes or less of bioshock infinite... i have to say it is bloody epic, GET IT GUYS!

  13. After a hour or so of trying to log in i do :D........ then 20 mins later server restart. now i am getting failed to verify username D:

    1. Miquill


      Just keep turning MC off and re-trying

  14. After buying and drinking over 50 wine bottles (potion of fire resistence) in a short time, i can safely say my character is an alcholic

    1. BannanaToYou


      Being an alcoholic is where your dependent on alcohol itself because of stress etc, not just because you drank a lot :D

    2. Mucky


      Not an Alcoholic your a drunk :3

  15. Agh, Writing application team application, lets hope it turns out well

  16. Ahh Being an Ai on space station 13, So forfilling.

  17. Ahh i love being the AI on space station 13

    1. gingernut97


      So do I- oh wait, I have a mac- can't play Space Station 13 :P

  18. Ahh sword art online... you complete me

  19. Ahh.. I love cheesecake

  20. Alan wake, such a good game! now on to american nightmare.

  21. All it took was that Vote! Button to be there for me to vote more... wow..

  22. All the songs i want to hear i have on itunes.. yet i listen to them on youtube ?

    1. MartinDaMartian


      I know that feel bro

  23. All those brave people in the comming battle remember... most of you are going to die but its a sacrifice your leaders are willing to make.

    1. Major Dom

      Major Dom

      Haha. Good wun.

  24. Am i the only one who spots the flaw in putting every race on one ship ?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Merkaken


      The Orcs aren't on the ship :3 Cuz we got swag cuz #YOLO

    3. Kaiser
    4. Kaiser



  25. America should be fun ^^, im going to end up so fat and probably get diabetes... but its totally worth it for all the lovely food Q.Q

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Ibn Khaldun

      Ibn Khaldun

      Dude, your innards will be begging for mercy. I dont eat fast food, as surprising as that may sound, and my body has healthy blips cause of it LOL

    3. Dargene


      but.. food..

    4. Mish_


      I dont eat at mcpoopoo, but the fries are noice, I also like Subway, and KFC Crispy chicken

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