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Status Updates posted by Paint

  1. Decided to come back here; Been a good time so far.

  2. *Pops head into forums briefly and then poofs!*

    1. YouKnowItsJuno
    2. KiiNg


      i came back you can too :^)

  3. Looking back at my old statuses and posts make me cringle

  4. I love listening to Hurt with the original first and then the awesome Johnny Clash's version of the song and i just noticing the difference in meaning just from the difference in tone... its wonderful.

  5. I love listening to Hurt with the original first and then the awesome Johnny Clash's version of the song and i just noticing the difference in meaning just from the difference in tone... its wonderful.

  6. I should came back to LOTC sooner, forgot how fun it is :)

  7. So, how is everyone doing? I am wonderful thanks for asking!

    1. Gwonam_Blaze


      You are everyone? Woah...

    2. Paint
  8. My plan for this last weekend was to study all weekend (Collegelyfe) but I instead played LoTC all weekend, No regrets!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Paint


      It happens! Lucky the other class told me what was on the test, so i'm soild!

    3. Burkester


      Until you don't get a job

    4. Kim
  9. I hate, when hate gets status about hate, hating on the hate.

    1. Zeedus


      It's okay. Take heart- Giovanni is coming back.

  10. WAKE UP (Wake up) affgdsdfgsdfg MAKE UP qdsfadfasdf YOU WANTED TOO adfgadfadsfasdf

    1. calculusdesola
    2. Elindor


      Why are you using your keyboard with one hand? 8-

  11. RIP Bagley

  12. RIP Bagley

  13. Well, its my one year anniversary..

  14. Well, its my one year anniversary..

  15. I've fought mudcrabs more fearsome than you!

  16. Stop right there, criminal scum! No one breaks the law on my watch! I'm confiscating your stolen goods, now pay your fine or it's off to jail.

  17. *Also makes a line and robotically walks into the Barracks, laying on his cot in his full armor and shield becoming a unmoving unhearing lump*

    1. Varstivus


      ... Aw. Whelp, he won't notice now. *sets the entire town on fire while no one is looking, gains no bounty*

  18. "Hail, citizen! It's not often I see another rider out here on the roads. Times being what they are."

  19. "You dare oppose the might of the Imperial Legion?"

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Badass Imperial Guard

      Badass Imperial Guard


    3. Paint


      *Runs after the man after one punch*


    4. Imperial Legion Soldier

      Imperial Legion Soldier

      "Remember the Emperor!"

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