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Agent Miller

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Status Updates posted by Agent Miller

  1. And two other notes, first being I borrowed some materials to add windows into my room and second, I regret to inform you that I may resign from the guild in the near future to join a guild that suits my character's bio better.

  2. And two other notes, first being I borrowed some materials to add windows into my room and second, I regret to inform you that I may resign from the guild in the near future to join a guild that suits my character's bio better.

  3. Anyone have any idea on when we move to 3.0?

  4. Anyone know of a cheap recording program similar to fraps

    1. Ever


      Just pirate fraps.

    2. Free The Hobbits

      Free The Hobbits

      microsoft expression encoder... or pirate it, ARGGGGHH.

    3. Agent Miller

      Agent Miller

      Yar Har fiddle-deedee, being a pirate is alright to me, do what you want cause a pirate is free, YOU ARE A PIRATE!

  5. Anyone know of a easy to install modern gun mod that is not from Flans mod

  6. Anyone know of any decent unity tutorials?????

  7. Anyone up for a stroll in the witch's forest?

  8. Anyone want to join a cool mindcrack/yogscast like group and do some recording with people from Lotc? If you said yes then click HERE: http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/77624-mindcrack-style-tekkit-application-thread/page__view__getnewpost

  9. Application for the mindcrack style server are now closed, but the comp is still on till the 20th

    1. Bethykinss


      Thanks for the update. Hope everyone sees this message if they want to participate in the comp!

  10. Application thread for mindcrack style tekkit group may be up in the next 3 1/2 hours. Read this to find out what you've missed: http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/77568-mindcrack-style-tekkit-feed-the-beast-community-idea/page__pid__652714__st__20#entry652714

    1. MonkeyCoffee


      Great! I will be sleeping then! Hooray for timezones!

  11. Are the forums quiet today or is it just me?

  12. Are you a good healer? Cause I (Rowan) have a bit of a issue that only magic can heal.

  13. At one point, I should donate to the server....maybe

  14. Bought a child slave, free him and raise him = good guy Victor....for now

    1. Agent Miller

      Agent Miller

      and ended up out buying a lord...

  15. Brings back old character, realizes his hand's cut off :(

  16. Can someone do something about all these people who come onto the forums for advertising!!!!!! (And I mean people who do this: http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/75031-azithromycin-250-buy/)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Merkaken


      Your status gets deleted if you post a status after that one.

    3. Cappy


      Only your latest status is displayed on this bar ^.^

    4. Agent Miller

      Agent Miller

      Well, that's unexpected

  17. Can someone in America give me a possible ETA on the announcement for destiny @ E3? I wanna watch the reveal live. Tanks doods!

    1. Shorsand


      I don't even know when E3 is, but if you go on Bungie.net they're going to be streaming it from there. http://www.bungie.net/7_Destination-E3/en-us/News/News?aid=10565

    2. Agent Miller

      Agent Miller

      E3 is on either now or very shortly cause Microsoft is talking more about the Xbox One on the 10th @ 9:30am PST from what I remember.

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