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Creative Wizard
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Everything posted by Aengoth

  1. I'm okay with what has happened.

  2. and was terrified by what I expected to come of Joe's status

  3. Slap to your face.

  4. Addicted to anime, currently working on Nabari no Ou

    1. Amorphbutt


      Watch Kaze no Stigma, it was fun.

  5. Name [Rp&OOC]: Toc---(Alexander_Wh) Race: Human Age: 26 Nation: Oren by affiliation, no true loyalty to it however Your reason for joining: After losing his previous purpose and ambition Toc is devoid of purpose and so he seeks purpose so he can give meaning to his life. What is your profession?: Once a guard, Toc currently only line of work is hunting for himself. Though the clan lore states it is not a cult, you do realize that this is a cult though, yes? [You will need a VA for 3 should you join in the cult part]: Yes, just recently applied for such. Do you have a VA? If so, please link it. [if you don’t, N/A]: None accepted, miniature VA recently created ( http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/75987-tocs-minor-evils-app/ ) If you don’t have one, are you willing to write one in order to join?: Yes. Please link me your skin: http://minecraft.novaskin.me/skin/4540365 Any thing else you would like to say?: Looking forward to seeing if I am accepted or not. Writing a VA will have to wait until next week roughly due to current tasks I need to complete this week.
  6. Look I don't have a single hashtag in this, #originalityforthewin

  7. Status's, Status's everywhere!

  8. Uh I like how 1 Day Ingame is an hour in real life, but 216 Days IRL for a character to age 18 years Ahh

    1. Lykos


      From my own experience, most people have their characters age how they want them to :P

  9. Unless the other person agrees to permakilling or losing of a limb I think people should avoid removing limbs from them then running away. Because if they did such how is that person brought back by the monks.

    1. Secret Lizard President

      Secret Lizard President

      Your body can be reformed around the soul supposedly.

    2. bungo


      Necromancy. The monks man, they're corrupt and evil. Yeah.

  10. Hey Raglin could you PM the skin you sent Arbrek/Kazraden on the 26Th?

  11. Best of luck on your 2nd Application

  12. Three and a haft hours of downtime so far, correct me if I'm wrong

  13. Just curious but at what age are dwarves officially Adults?

    1. Strawberry114


      I've read it was 100 but it might be wrong.

    2. Aengoth


      Alright thanks

  14. Really. Server crashes right now.

  15. 4/10, only really recognize your Avatar.
  16. Issues with Minecraft... Time to read some lore an stuff

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