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2006 Divine

About Temp

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    Co-Host of the Snake's Den

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    Canus Regillus
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    Human: Velian Pleb

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  1. I remember the good ol' days when people actually talked about why things occured, and if they disagreed, it was a simple shrug then walking off. Now it's endless whining and pulling others into the situation to justify one's end. Strange, I was taught that people mature as they age.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Merkaken


      This seems somewhat hypocritical... (Yes, I know I spelled that wrong.)

    3. Temp


      If I were debating an argument, or looking for support regarding an argument, yes it would be. This was a simple statement, over a broad subject. And to be entirely blunt, I don't really care about perceptions on the matter. It was one of those "I'm bored," posts.

    4. Geo


      People still do that and people still don't. People used to and people don't. It's easy to only recognise some posts but I assure you our community still has those that care for an input and those that don't, just as it used to. We were never angels, and we're still not.

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