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Everything posted by Genevieveee

  1. Oh- and there would be requests if I livestream

  2. Considering livestreaming later to test out some brushes

  3. I want to draw a chibi. Give me reference to your characters.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Your Favorite Impure

      Your Favorite Impure

      Welp, highly doubt you'll feel like drawing four of them, but here ya go just in case:


    3. BartOhYeah
    4. Genevieveee


      Sorry lads, Deviantart was faster, maybe next time!

  4. May the 4th be with you.

  5. I think i'm getting sick again T.T

    1. Quartzen


      Get better soonnnnn!

    2. Genevieveee
  6. O ya got mah lootcrate today

  7. If anyone would want a commission, heres an example of a fullbody sketch: http://gyazo.com/095f4a9e20630f4702959ee94b90caf2 Something like this would be about $10

  8. If I opened art commissions, would anyone buy one?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Genevieveee
    3. Genevieveee


      As for requests I already have, i'll either leave them as they are but charge any incoming, charge those the same amount as a chibi sketch even if its not, or somethin

    4. Genevieveee


      I'd keep em free, but then people wouldn't commission for any sketches.

  9. Anyone making a female elf character and need a skin? I got a pretty neat one that I haven't finished yet.

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