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Posts posted by LPT

  1. MC name: Bucky_24

    Char name: Vuln'Igne Lanncaster, goes purely by Vuln since his transformation.

    Time zone: EST

    Skype (You can PM me it): You have it


    Sidenote: If you go by a hard limit for DK's don't count my character towards it. I'm very inactive and only registering in-case I need to do something in-game. I plan on keeping my character that I spent over a year on. Even if I rarely play.

    ACCEPTED, but I'd love to see you actually active. :) Right now there is not set limit for knights.

  2. Slave Application

    MC name: Helixagon

    Char name: Magg'Braduk

    Timezone: GMT

    Skype: harrison.oleary69, though I'm pretty sure Jaden already has it.


    Oh, and since the guy below me figured it was worth noting... Magg's only a Kub :P




    Slave application:y

    MC name: CaptainGeorgery

    Char name: Akaleh

    Timezone: GMT +2

    Skype(You can PM): PeanutButterAlongWithJelly


    P.S. My character is 11 years old, so yeah!





    Slave application:

    MC name: drfate786

    Char name: Alifer Amice

    Timezone: EDT

    Skype(You can PM): drfate786



  3. What is your Minecraft Account Name?: Jaden568


    How long have you played on LotC?:  About two and a half years


    How many hours per day/week are you available?: Hours of availability differ week by week, but I try to allocate about 10-15 hours a week to LoTC


    Have you read and do you thoroughly understand Magic Lore?: Yes


    What Magic Lore do you hold the most experience with?: Dread Knights and Earth evocation, however my earth evocation knowledge is not as strong as it was when i played an evocationist.


    Give a Summary of any Staff/Lead positions you’ve held on any Minecraft Server in the past: I was a photographer and Tumblr admin for the media team. 


    Do you have a Skype account? You may post it here, or choose to keep it private until you are asked for it.  Note; Skype is required to communicate with the team and unless you have an account and the program it you will be incapable of joining the team: My Skype is Jaden.whocares


    Have you ever receive a Magical Blacklist, if so, please link it: N/A

  4. 1) To what do you owe your success? 


    2) Honest opinion of me? 

    1. Become a memer, everyone loves a memer

    2. You're a pretty nice guy. You've been nice to me in the crows and you're waay less angsty than the majority of the population. xD


    How did you come to be known as Ar Mal,Greymane,Blackwell and etc? 

    I've been known to make waay too many characters. Ar Mal was my first character, and my Team Speak name for a while, he was nothing big, just an edgy assassin thief woodelf with an vendetta, Greymane is the name of my Dread Knight, previously he was the Lord of House greymane, and became a bishop at one point after he dropped out of house politics. Blackwell is the name of the noble house I created, not many people remember it because it was medium/small scaled in comparison to the Winters and Carrions in the time it was created. It had some success at creating a military order of about 15 active people and 10 other lazy people, but the people who know me know me mostly because of my characters George and James Blackwell. The etc is just because I've had many other characters that people know and remember, and sometimes someone will bring up a character I forgot I even made.


    Returning Dread Knight application (Must sill make a creature application in the MA forums)

    MC name: Jonificus

    Char name: Dread Knight Vaurca

    Time zone: GMT +1

    Skype (You can PM me it): Already in the skype chat, aka Jonas.





    Slave application

    MC name: TheRealKiru

    Char name: Sylrenya Helartha

    Timezone: EST 

    Skype(You can PM): navaguy



  6. Cultist application:

    MC Name:HurferDurfer1

    Character Name:Coltaine Wick

    Why do you want to be a Dread Knight?: Coltaine seeks it as a misguided way to achieve immortality , as he grows older he fears the ending of his life.He had served the knights faithfully for years before going into hiding when Athera fell.

    Do you understand that you cannot go against the Dread Lord's orders as a Dread Knight?: I do indeed

    Time zone:CDT

    Skype Name (You can PM it to me privately):you know it holmes , I've been pestering the group for weeks to get this going again!



    Cultist application:

    MC Name: JavaWizard

    Character Name: Raze

    Why do you want to be a Dread Knight?:Was a cultist before

    Do you understand that you cannot go against the Dread Lord's orders as a Dread Knight?: Yes

    Time zone: EST

    Skype Name (You can PM it to me privately): You already have


  7. MC Name: ThePoliteCannibal

    Character Name: Ivy 

    Why do you want to be a Dread Knight?: I see it as a fun, interesting way to roleplay and enjoy myself on the server. I had been a cultist for many months through 3.0-3.5, so I'd like to get back into it and finish my journey of becoming a dread knight.

    Do you understand that you cannot go against the Dread Lord's orders as a Dread Knight?: Of course

    Time zone: est

    Skype Name (You can PM it to me privately): You already have it.


    (This is essentially just re-applying, as I had already been a cultist before, and the same character still exists.)



    Returning Dread Knight application (Must sill make a creature application in the MA forums)

    MC name: samsan

    Char name: Dolgan

    Time zone: GMT +8

    Skype (You can PM me it):  you already got it.

    Accepted. Will let you know where the land we have been given is once we get it. 


    Cultist application:

    MC Name: White_Wolf

    Character Name: Pyria Valeras

    Why do you want to be a Dread Knight?:


    OOC: I wish to become an active part of the Dread Knights so that i can help further develop them and create interesting role play for others, role play that many haven't had the chance of experiencing yet such as myself.


    IC: Pyria has had an interesting journey up until this point that has spiraled her down the path of madness and revenge. Here is a brief overview, i can give you more information in greater depth later if you wish. Essentially at a young age she was kidnapped and tortured by the High Prophet of the Seers of Aerk'iath and his apprentice. Her body and mind were broken and she was inducted into their ranks and forged into a weapon against her will. After many years of bringing about destruction in their name, her mind was freed from her mental shackles and she fled from their ranks, becoming a traitor in the process. From the point forward she made an effort to help others in an attempt to right her wrongs and plotted to kill the High Prophet when she had the chance.


    She had this chance twice and twice she was brought to the brink of death without so much as scratching her target. Consumed by her desire for revenge and her hatred for the Seers of Aerk'iath she has come to realise that the only solution to her problems is to give herself to a darker power greater than herself. Which has lead her to seek out the Dread Knights and hopefully become one so that she may bring about the deaths of those who have destroyed her life. She has no idea what she is getting herself into.


    Do you understand that you cannot go against the Dread Lord's orders as a Dread Knight?:I do.

    Time zone: GMT+10

    Skype Name (You can PM it to me privately): You already have it.

    Accepted. Will let you know where the land we were given is once it is given

  9. MC name: Jaden568

    Character's name and age: Max Greymane (122)


    Character’s Race: Dread Knight

    Link to your accepted magic application: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/131625-dread-knight-ca-dread-lord-greymane/#entry1258782

    What magics do you desire to teach?: Dread knighting


    Summarize the Lore of this Magic:  Dread knights are a dammed soul trapped in a suit of armor. They were originally made by blood mages and now are forced to be under control of their King of Dread. Dread knights are bounded by blood runes to their king and live for an eternity in pain and suffering. Only a minuscule amount of knights know how to make the runes that bind other knights to them.  

    Write up a lesson that your character would give to a student. (Do note, we will be contacting aspiring teachers for a quick interview, to try to better gauge your knowledge and understanding):


    Dread knights don't really give lessons, they kinda just tell the knight to fight, and they do. The most they do is teach them to fight, and that has nothing to do with magic. The ritual of how the knight is made is not for the public eye, but instead for Dread knights and Dread lords, however if you wish to know the ritual for the sake of accepting the application you can send me a message on the forums and I will reply with it. 

  10. Dread Lord Greymane sits upon his make shift throne as he looks to what remaining cultists and knights he has left. A move to different lands always takes a hit on the population, but Dread knights are a resilient bunch no matter how many times they fall they get themselves back up. The lord stands from his throne as he begins to shout, his voice echos with pain and despair "My Knights!... We... ARe... Cripled! We... Are... Burned! BUT WE NOT WEAK! It... is a time... For change. A simple order of knights will not ... do for what we need. WE need... Salves... cultists... Citizens! We need.. Allies! NEcromancers! Ghouls! Liches! Shades! For whAt we neEd frOm the mOrtals is what we deserve! RESPECT! WE gain that... by........... Death"




    Few Dread Knights remain in this world. Even fewer roam it freely. The race as a whole, or the conglomerate, has gone near extinction multiple times. Rawraych before Verin revived his brothers and brought them back, Verin before Alexandros, and now the most bloodthirsty and unpredictable of the Knights leads his brothers and sisters to bring down the heavens and let forth the darkness.


    Lore and History of the Dread Knights


    Their creation came near to the beginning, after the first emergence of the Bloodmages. These men and women were one of the first few to make their stand, like many against the Bloodmages. Unfortunately for them... they got more than they bargained for. They were rash, some. Even going as far as to challenge Bloodmages in single combat. Going even as far as accepting the terms of combat that the mages gave... “If I was to so win this bout... Your soul will be forfeited to me until release.” So sure were these men and women of their own combat prowess that they accepted without hesitation, and the duel of fates ensued.

    Apon loosing the combat, the Bloodmage performed a rite of sealing apon the unfortunate near death warrior, binding his/her soul to the Bloodmage’s whim and freezing the warrior in place. A gaunt face overtakes their once proud looks as they become living statues. Doomed to watch over the Altars of the creator until needed.

    In all retrospect, this is a fate worse than death itself. The unfortunate Warrior is allowed to effectively “die” a slow and painful death within its’ own sealing’s. Flesh and bone allowing to decay as they stand dormant. But due to the sealings place upon them in life... they do not escape their fate in death. Their souls become bound to the armour they once wore. Even as it rusts and stains with age. Until effectively the Dread knight becomes the armour. The process is a form of “breaking” within its’ own right as well. Turning them till they are nothing more than harsh, life hating drones; “The perfect soldier “it seems.

    They hate and, love life with a passion. For they are not truly evil, just lost. They hate those that they once called kin out of jealously, that they should be able to live out their lives to the fullest whilst the Dread knight must live a submissive life as a slave. Bidden to do whatever his/hers masters tell it. But love it also, for they know that deep down, behind all the torment and bloodshed. They know that one day... it shall be life that sets it free from its’ shackles. It shall be life that challenges it to single combat, and it shall be life that slays it.

    They are relentless warriors, much like that of the fabled Paladins. Some even say that they are, or at least were paladins. Pushed into service as warriors of undeath. They will make up the main stay of militarian officer might within the Order of blood’s armed forces. Making blunt, horrific decisions that most right minded people would not. For the Bloodmages are still of our kind after all... they still feel emotion of all kinds. Granted there are some among them that have different ideas and morals, but that comes with individuality.

    As said before, the Dread Knight is a suit of armour. A walking suit of armour. Hollow within it walks this world as doom driven servants of the Order. So they do not take damage as how any normal person might. They will still feel the pain deep inside of them, that instinctive feeling of still being whole ever so mocks them. To the better part though, they cannot truly be killed by having their helmet taken off through decapitations or being stabbed with sword lunges etc… For if disassembled only slightly, but allowed to endure, the knight, with relentless zeal to carry out its’ master’s orders, shall rise again, rebuilding itself slowly, re-gathering the pieces of armour that make up its’ body and soul. Until it is finally again renewed.

    It stands to reason then that the only real effective way to “kill” a Dread Knight is to disable and separate each piece of the Knight. Until you are left with but a pile of broken armour. Allowing you time to escape, but slowly, and over time, it shall reform again anew... and ready to kill once again.

    Time went slowly in lythien, the plotting of the Bloodmages and the toil of their servants continued onwards, it was not until the Dread knights started to regain control of themselves that the tide changed.

    Rising up, they broke free of their shackles, a great battle rouse up within lythien as all things were put to the slaughter. Once the dust and fires died down, the remained but a few knights left standing, and no mages to be seen. Corpses littered the landscape around and little life was left to be seen.

    It was then that the knights departed back to their home land within the south of Asulon.
    It was not to be though, they were cast out by their kin, named "traitors" and "Heretics" and "unclean" by the new Religion of this Empire called "Oren". With a roar of rage they left the sounds of the life that was Oren. Left it far behind before coming across the forest path into Greywise.

    They vowed their revenge upon Oren, and swore upon themselves they would gain vengeance upon the simple beauty of life itself. The three existing Dread Knights made the trip to Anthos, and gathered slaves of mortal men to build a base of dread.

    Aelor, then began seeking out new Dread Knights, turning those that he found one by one. The old order then fell to pieces, decaying as they were hunted by Oren, and other assorted nations. As the generation of Dread Knights fell, only one remained.

    Rawraych, as his 'lord' did command, was groomed as the last of the true Dread Knights. He was given the honor, the glory, of ascension, and began his reign with the abduction of his eventual successor, Verin. More then him were kidnapped, and ten individuals were chosen from thousands. The ranks of the Knights resumed power.

    Rawraych, unfortunately, felt only anger and rage (as he should) as a dread knight, and showed it in his tactic. A just ruler, however, he was relentless in choosing his knights. Durn, Verin, Elbent, the pigman(who, against all reasonable odds, had a soul). Even then, this does not account for them all.

    Conquest upon conquest, death upon death, ashes fell upon ashes as the knights resumed their merciless slaughter of those who lived. Enemies of reality, enemies of life, enemies of them all. Beside the Dread Lord lay his knights, his cultists, and many rallied to him in this new regime he had made.

    The Necromancers, too, took a shining to this new dread lord as they had not to Aelor, and soon then did the two combine their mights into one. Attacks and raids beyond the imagination or horror of mortal men carried out without remorse by the Gravelord and his once mortal friend.

    But, as all 'good' things must end, so did this. Rawraych, like Aelor before him, and the other before him, and Bile too before that, he got tired. He began to groom Verin, one of the first knights he converted, to power.

    On a day forgotten, the nine knights who remained (and even then, some dormant due to inability of movement or rust), gathered or were lugged around to witness and exchange the move of power. Rawraych bound them to Verin, and Verin commanded them, for a time, to sleep.

    As was noted earlier, they awaken now. Verin, reigns over his knights and they begin the merciless slaughters of the past yet again. Without remorse, the Knights resume. Under a less kind, though more 'amiable'(as much as the hollow soul of a dread knight can be) leader.

    After a long time of leading his Knights to glory, the godlike Knights of Dread fell dormant, and their leader slowly losing his mind, and growing tired of the weight of leadership. He looked to one of his greatest, and most bloodthirsty Knights, Alexandros, to take up his mantle as Dread Lord. Alexandros graciously accepted, and transcended to godhood among his Knights. He would lead the warpath of bloodshed and ruin, returning the Knights of Dread to their feared position, making them ones that would make the mere mortals of Athera quake in terror.

    Alexandros, like his predecessors, eventually succumbed to the difficulties of leadership. Verin returned and seized his old throne, ruling over the Knights for a time with an iron fist. His long time as Dread Lord left him weary and damaged, and he appointed his most trusted lieutenant as his regent.


    But even then Verin could not find what he attained for, he sought one of the Dread Knights capable of what he wanted, and gave Scylla the control of the Damned. Leaving to brood on his thoughts and one day to return to see the Progress this one had made. Scylla was only told one thing "Do not let me down.."

    Dread will reign supreme, and chaos will be left in their wake.


    Out of Character Information

    What are these things?

    Dread Knights are creatures created from the souls of the innocent (or the guilty, for that matter) They carry a terrible burden, a curse that most mortals cannot comprehend. They live a constant life in a state of anger, and in a state of agony. They are heartless, cruel, and do not act well around others. They are bound to the service of the Dread Lord that they follow.

    How do I become one?

    All of the roleplay will be done in character. Yet, you can post here with the application format below if you wish to become one so that we may arrange a time and date for the role play event. It must be done with the consent of the player, of course. You must be using an already made character. Dread Knights do not appear out of thin air. When turning your character, you must realize that there is no going back. Turning a Dread Knight is a life long thing, realize that. We promise to be fun if you decide to make this new experience fun, though. Do note, however, that you will first be initiated as a cultist and then you will be given tasks, and rise through the ranks of the cult. You will be considered for the conversion ritual depending on how much you roleplay as well as how well you roleplay. I CANNOT stress this enough, however, that we focus heavily on activity and roleplay with others, whether they be those in the Dread lands or even other people from other nations (Though I would advise roleplaying with other people in say, the streets or somewhere out of the way. Not a major city or village). We have far too many times fallen into inactivity. This is not meant to be an alt character you only get on when you're bored. As mentioned above, think before you apply.

    If I become a Dread Knight, how do I play it?

    You have to realize that a Dread Knight is a creature that has been cursed horribly, and that they are experiencing more pain constantly than a mortal could imagine. A Dread Knight would be cold, and unloving. You would mostly rely on emotes for playing a Dread Knight, because they are creatures of metal. Stealth does not exist for a Dread Knight, and you must always be fair with the people you are roleplaying with.



    Golden Weapons: Despite common belief golden weapons do not damage a knight as much as they would damage something like a ghoul. A golden weapon can cut into the armour and damage it that way, however the gold cutting into the knight does not burn or weaken the knight any more than a steel sword would. 




    Dread King: This knight is the knight every other knight is bound to. They are likely the only living knight to know how to make other dread knights, and have full un-rivaled power over the lords and knights. This knight typically uses the formal of Dread King, and is often refered to as "Your Dreadful" or "His Dreadful" (Current king: Greymane [Jaden568])


    Chancellor of Dread: This knight is in full control of other councilors and knights, the lower knights are not bounded to the chancellor, however they have been told by the king to follow the chancellor's every command unless vito'd by the king himself. The chancellor owns a locked steel box and key that he is ordered to never open unless the king goes missing for a period no shorter than an elven month. This knight may use the formal title of Dread Lord (Current Chancellor: Dread Lord Dolgan [samsam99])



    Councilors of Dread: Typically councilors are appointed for their specific knowledge of something regular knights must listen to councilors unless vito'd by the king or the chancellor. In most cases there is no more than one or two. This knight may also use the title Dread lord or alternatively be refered to as "Dread lord of [Expertise]" such as "Dread lord of War" in that case the knight would not use their name. [VACANT]




    Cultists are the hopeful mortals who wish to become a Dread Knight, and ascend to the ranks of the demi-gods he or she serves. Cultists are expected to be active otherwise lose their holdings within the Dread Knights. Cultists are entitled to one personal slave.



    Citizens: These mortals accept the knights as their liege, but do not wish to become a Dread knight, and do not particularly have to follow their ways. The mortals are given a home and protection by the knights and cultists provided they pay their taxes. Citizens may rent a slave for an additional 100 minas a week on their tax. 


    Slaves: These mortals are here by force IC and do the hard work of tending the fields, and possibly serving as cannon fodder to the cultists and Knights. They could be made into a knight should the Dread King feel they would make a good Knight. (Speak with me OOC if you're interested in transitioning from a slave to a Dread knight. Slaves are recruited oocly, but the process of training and capturing is done in RP)


    Cultist application:
    MC Name:
    Character Name:
    Why do you want to be a Dread Knight?:
    Do you understand that you cannot go against the Dread Lord's orders as a Dread Knight?:
    Time zone:
    Skype Name (You can PM it to me privately):


    Slave application:

    MC name:

    Char name:


    Skype(You can PM):


    Returning Dread Knight application (Must sill make a creature application in the MA forums)

    MC name:

    Char name:

    Time zone:

    Skype (You can PM me it): 

  11. Canada


    A 100% unmarked fighter jet flies over top of Ghana, it does not drop bombs, it does not scout... I does one simple thing. Drop a massive amount of paper rainbow flags, the number is in the millions of tiny rainbow flags it also drops panflets saying "It gets better"

    Within the million rainbow flags one lonely canadian refugee form lies on the ground...







    An official number on the military has been released to the public, the prime minister has openly stated he wishes to improve the numbers within two years.



  12. Canada




    A young new prime minister of Canada has been elected, he has successfully gained 60% of the seats in the house of commons making him a majority government. 


    Continental(Mod help?)

    An encrypted email is sent to Washington State, Oregon, California, California, Nevada, and Arizona it speaks in high regard to the western political attitudes of the five states. Border control security is dropped significantly between Washington state and BC, legislations have been proposed to allow anyone with a passport and drivers license from the five states to work for a period no longer than two years without the need for a formal visa. The email also asks for a similar legislation be put in place for these states to free relations with them as much as possible. The Canadian legislation is set to take place within the year.





    The Canadian government has not released official counts of their military, but they are ramping up recruitment campaigns, offering more military youth programs. An official count should be released within the upcoming months.

  13. Forum Name: <---
    Desired Nation: Canada
    Government Type: Democracy
    Do you agree to the rules?: Butter is overated on toast, i prefer it on my nipples. ;)
    Nation Leader name: Justin Hollingsworth
    Nation Leaders political views (Communist, Nazi, Tory, Conservative, Religious, etc): best described as an Imperial Liberal

  14. MC Name: Jaden568
    IC Name: Dread Lord Greymane (I'll be making a TA should this be accepted)
    Original Race [n/a if not applicable]: Human
    Transformed Form: Dread Knight
    Creator: [mc name and ic name, n/a if not applicable]: Dread Knight Verin (Lord__byron)
    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature: The Dreadknights were originally made by blood mages, they are empty suits of armor, they are trapped in the armor for eternity, and are cursed under their master, the Dread Lord. The Dreadknights are bounded by blood runes that only a very small amount of Dread knights know how to make. 

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