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Posts posted by LPT

  1. Hymns and Rites of The church in the Common Tongue


    Hymn of St. Godfrey


    “God protect the good Saint Godfrey,

    Sovereign ever good and great,

    Save, O save him from mischances,

    In prosperity and state!”


    May his laurels ever blooming,

    Be by patriot virtue fed,

    May his worth the world illumine,

    And bring back the sheep misled,

    God preserve our good Saint Godfrey!


    Sovereign ever good and great.”


    Hymn of the One True God


    “I summon today all these powers between me and those evils,

    Against every cruel merciless power that may oppose my body and soul,

    Against incantations of false prophets,

    Against black laws of pagandom,


    Against false laws of heretics,

    Against craft of idolatry,

    Against spells of witches and smiths and wizards,

    Against every knowledge that corrupts man's body and soul.


    God to shield me today

    Against poison, against burning,

    Against drowning, against wounding,

    So that there may come to me abundance of reward.


    God with me, God before me, God behind me,

    God in me, God beneath me, God above me,

    God on my right, God on my left,

    God when I lie down, God when I sit down, God when I arise.


    God in the heart of every man who thinks of me,

    God in the mouth of everyone who speaks of me,

    God in every eye that sees me,

    God in every ear that hears me.”


    Hymn of St. Thomas


    “O God, St. Thomas, upon you be peace,

    Our ever-proud souls refuse to be seized,

    The den of humanity is our sacred home,

    And the throne of our suns will never go down.


    The mountains of Oren are towers in height,

    Which talk with the zenith of the highest skies,

    A land that is splendid with brilliant sun,

    Turning to a sky or almost a sky.


    The flutter of our hopes and the beats of our hearts,

    Depicted on the flag that united our land,

    Did we not derive the black from every man's eye,

    And from ink of martyr's blood wrote to the tall sky?


    Spirits defiant and past so glorious,

    And the martyrs' souls are our guardians,

    St. Thomas protects us with his great shield,

    So why won't we prosper and why wouldn't we build?”


    Penance Rites (During confession)


    “O, Creator the Father of mercies,

    has reconciled the world to himself

    and sent the Holy Light among us

    for the forgiveness of sins;

    through the ministry of the Church

    may God give you pardon and peace,

    and I absolve you from your sins. Amen"


  2. Mass:

    Clergy Name: Oliver of Brelus

    Sermon Subject: Sloth

    Proof (Screenshot): http://i.imgur.com/Kby7f6D.png

    How many donations were collected: 300 minas




    Clergy Name: Oliver of Brelus

    Signatures (Screenshots of agreement to confess): https://gyazo.com/a71f5b6af3ecebd3e25d27168f1e04af










  3. As per request of His Holiness High Pontiff Lucien the third a census of all clergy is being held in the Archbishopric of Metz which includes The Diocese of Brelus, The Diocese/Metropolitanate of Felsen, and finally the diocese of Istria should you be any member of the clergy in the geographic area I ask that you fill this out so that you may be administered properly.




    Position in the church:


    MC name:


    Skype(You can PM if you wish):

    The Seal of Archbishop Oliver of Brelus rests at the bottom


  4. 8 minutes ago, Tsuyose said:

    Never have, and never will agree with forcefully PKing characters. This isn't right.

    Dread Knights have been innactive for a while, I will never force a PK, as you've said it's not right, but most Dread knights if killed the right way will PK, it's the Dread knight thing to do, but regardless of this no one plays them, and if they do it's for only events. I don't understand why they were not removed form activity in the trimming the hedges post to be honnest, they should of been. A culture of only killing machines does not last, and if you believe it will I challenge you to become the Dread lord and gain activity. The very small ammount of people who say they have a DK character have probably not played that character in almost half a year if not more. I suppose I cannot force a PK you're right, and so I wont but I will be working with the LT in the near future to ask for the race to become event only, even if I lose my knight in the process because they make great event characters, but they are the hardest race in the entirety of LoTC to keep active especially in a PvP default setting.



    Edit: When this post was given to the DK chat in Skype the two responses were.


    "Hmm..." and "Saw that coming"

  5. 13 hours ago, Mephistophelian said:

    ((You have no choice or power to simply decide that Dread Knights may no longer be played by anyone but ET members. It is the LT's job to decide this.))

    Forgive me, but as the only living in character owner of a Dread Knight TA I do have the ability to not give the instructions on how to make them, and as the absolute leader in RP of Dread knights they are bound to follow my command into a pit of lava, nothing I am doing is lore breaking, and I'm very much willing to speak with any member of the Lore team in getting the knights made as ET only characters. 

  6. 12 minutes ago, Harveey said:


    Sorry that's a misunderstanding by me then. I agree though, bows do need to be nerfed, but on a whole these things need to be tested by someone from each faction before they implement something that literally destroys a section of the game is pretty poor planning.

    Yeah, I don't know if you play CS:GO, but their community proves Beta testers are a must to any game that is PvP  or PvE oriented.  Just recently they released a patch that clearly had no planning involved when they did it because the dont have CS Beta


  7. Just now, Harveey said:

    I am more than happy for taking nerfs for when they are deserved, like the alchemy XP nerf I am perfectly happy with as an alchemist.

    I also recognize that horse archers are overpowered, but the method that has been gone about is wrong.

    I didn't disagree with that in any of my posts, but horse archers were OP for more than the bows themselves.

  8. 1 minute ago, Harveey said:

    Is that not allowed?

    Of course it is, I'm just making an observation at his wording of how they should be nerfed... Just perfectly to not affect the dunamis riders. There is no doubt that the horses should be buffed a tad now, but Dunamis is the reason they got nerfed and nerfing only the stuff that doesn't affect them makes no sense. Perhaps we should set our eyes to the breeder profession itself. Perhaps the sheer amount of hearts/speed/jump ability a horse gets is utterly ridiculous. 

  9. 13 minutes ago, ryno2 said:

    No but really it would make more sense if horse speed and jump height were reduced depending on what it's wearing, for instance reduced when wearing horse armor and when somebody is wearing iron armor on top of it, that way the most kitted-out horses are really slow unless it came from a high-level breeder 

    I bet Dunamis has many high level breeders....

  10. 4 minutes ago, ¤Arzota¤ said:

    ((you're being silly, dreadknights weren't involved in the post... read it first bud ><))

    ((Perhaps you didn't read me correctly in my PM, I explained more there, but my post was not related to yours at all this has been a long time coming I was more so letting you know as your post reminded me))

  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQ2rOqdD-HU


    The Dread Lord looks about the dark dripping cave as many moans of sorrow echo from the lines of the soldiers of dread. It has been a while since they have all kneeled before their absolute ruler, and master. They seemed to be seen nowhere infact, all gone as if they were just myth spoken about throughout history. Every generation has seen a generation of Knights become a fierce force, attacking small settlements, taverns, and even sometimes an army of them attacked a city. Books of these creatures written by Poets, Historians, Theologians and Scientists have all spoken one truth and it is that these creatures attack with more fierceness than an Orc, and less honor honour than a bandit yet the youngest of generation has not seen these beasts, and have only heard these stories, some not even that. It seems as if they have all fallen into a long slumber, but now they are awake, and in front of their master once more. The knight goes past each knight, inspecting their helmets before his voice picks up it booms through the cave, loud, but full of grief.


     “Knights, it has been far too long since we have all been here for the meeting of our faith!” The lord grabs one of the helmets  of a random soldier and begins to pry it off of the shoulders of the  Knight as this is done the room is filled with a squeal almost as if a thousand pigs were being simultaneously slaughtered, followed by the soft eerie whisper of a lost soul, and then silence.


    “I am here to serve one thing, and one thing only. As an immortal Daemon of the Creator, it is my duty to suffer so that all may follow suit until they are judged... I send them to their judgement for I am the last Dread lord... No! Daemon of Dread!” The Dread lord begins to follow suit with all of the knights in a line, they do not dare arguing with him even if they were not bound for they know it is the day their soul is released from their prison of Steel. “It is God’s will to have me as the only one, for I am the true.... ImOrTal!” the lord says with a sense of disgust in the word itself.  “Should any knight be buried in these lands, unable to be here for the melting of you they may live as well under no oath other than the one of their own as it is the will of the creator to have them roam One day cults will worship me for being a mortal, to Dread knight to Daemon as I have this day” The headless knights all stand simultaneously as if they are physically being moved as the Lord descends further into the save until he stops before the bright orange glow of the thick Molten, they follow the lord, but as he stops before the lava, they do not. One by one they all begin to walk before sinking to the bottom of the fiery pit. Dreadlord Greymane looks into the pit as he holds some paper, upon the paper there is drawings of runes, armour, and some sort of writing unreadable to the eyes of the common. Greymane makes the sign of the Kaedrini cross before throwing the papers into the pit.

    ((This has been done to give some story to the removal of Dread knights as playable characters, all ability to make new ones has been removed, but the creature will still be an event creature as I believe in the right hands, and in rare occasions they can bring amazing roleplay to the community, my knight will remain alive for the same purpose of rare events with the community when I am bored and wish to have some fun with conflict RP using a race rarely seen. I hope you enjoyed the read))

  12. 8 hours ago, Space said:

    Not even meme'ing, i'm gonna stroke myself off here


    my character, in 3 years of playing, has achieved literally nothing. infact, he's gotten pretty negative now.


    he's pretty much lost all connection to his family, doesn't really have any friends, has failed in joining the druids like 4-5 times, was a bad bard, is all sad, and is incapable of combat. A pacifist, almost.


    i literally have >3000 hours into the character and all i do now is "oh s-s-sorry for b-bothering you b-but can i h-h-h-have another t-t-t-task?"



    I swear by the God all mighty if I become Pontiff ever in my life I will saint your character.

  13. Perhaps I had one bad experience with him and was too quick to judge, and in an event not involving his character it might be different, but regarding my one experience with him he seemed to care more about winning than moving the story forward, one of his emotes was unrealistic, but not quite power gamey so I let it go, but in a fun bit of roleplay with Halflings who are probably the race meant for having the most fun rather than their fights he posted in his Skype group that there was a ruckus in the Inn just so that he would have the upper hand. I'm okay with this in a place where losing could have serious consequences for the other side such as a war or something, but we were having drunk RP in a Halfling village and the winner would of done very little to effect RP at a large scale at all. I can't give him a +1 based off of this experience, but if I get involved with him again I may change my mind.

  14. I've noticed a few errors to capitalize simple things like Is which give me the impression your writing skills may not be fully at par with some of the LMs we currently have. You seem to have a lot of ideas which is good for the team, some better than others, but regardless even a stupid idea is a place for the community to learn so your worse than other ideas are by no means a reaosn to dock you. You seem to have the passion to do it so if you work on your writing skills I will +1 this app.


    EDIT: Some things may be a typo, but proof reading especially on an application that requires a lot of writing is for sure a good idea.

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