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Posts posted by LPT

  1. Tobias reads the letter with a sigh before he replies a less formal, but to the point note.


    "I am a sinner, no one is excommunicated for being a sinner, its actually the complete opposite. One who blames others of sin, but cannot look at their own sin  is the worst sinner of all because they refuse to call themselves one. If not being a sinner was the prerequisite of being Pontiff no one but GOD could be High Pontiff, your lack of knowledge on this fact as an Ex-man of the cloth is astonishing. With much prayer I was told by GOD to offer you mercy, and as such I have, but I can only offer so much if you cannot accept your sin. The trial will begin shortly and soon not only GOD, but the whole world will see the foul stench of Iblees that radiates from you. When you are locked from all gates of Heaven do not say I did not offer this last chance. May GOD have mercy on your soul for I have none left to give


    High Pontiff Tobias I"

  2. Dear Johhanes de Ruyter. We have heard news of your arresting and it brings me joy for a variety of reasons, not because you suffer in a cold cell, we wish that upon no one, but because now we will be able to have a proper conversation on this matter. We have proof of you speaking to a specific person  on a matter of my assassination. You did not specifically call for my assassination, but you implied a variety of things including: That you spoke for GOD, you included His imperial Highness in your plot, and you neglected to bring the information of someone who wished to plot with you on an assassination attempt on our life. We do not have an obligation to hold a trial for your excommunication as in our vows which you administered it read “Accordingly, without exclusion, We subject to severest excommunication anyone -- be it Ourselves or be it another “ so we do this in an act of goodwill because of your service to the Church. With this being said we have sent this letter to you to offer you mercy. In our vows We also said We will show mercy on the sinner. We have done much praying on the matter and with the help of GOD We have decided to give you an opportunity to once more be accepted into the kingdom of GOD. If you plead guilty to the following things stated above during the trial tomorrow We will show the Mercy you deserve and remove the excommunication from you, and simply keep you as a secular laymen once more accepted by GOD himself. Should you stand by your acidic lies you will remain excommunicated and will be judged by GOD when he decides it is your time to pass.  If you agree to these terms sign below and give this letter to the guard in your cell





    HIGH PONTIFF Tobias I, Archbishop of Luciensport, Prince-Bishop of Visiga, Huss, and Holofernes, Successor of the High Priesthood of the Church, Principal Missionary of the Gentiles, Supreme Pontiff of the Church of True Faith, Keeper of the Canon, High Servant to the Exalted's Testaments, Humble Servant of the Faithful and Vicar of God.

    I _________________ admit to committing heresy, speaking blasphemy, and agreeing to plot about the murder of His Holiness Tobias I. Upon agreeing I will proceed to have confession with His Holiness to confess my sins so that I may be cleansed of my sins before being embraced by the One True Church.   








    Part I

    Merging of Bishoprics

    Over time populations of lands change, and as such sometimes a diocese will have a Bishop or Archbishop where one is not needed, these lands will at times leave a Bishop’s hands idle, and useless in comparison to some of their brothers, because of this the following Bishoprics have been changed to accommodate the needs of the Church.

    The Metropolitan-Archbishopric of Felsen will now include the following areas:  The Diocese of Riverynn, The Diocese of Riga, the Diocese of Metz and the Metropolitanate of Felsen

    The Archbishopric of Drusco will now include the following areas:  The Diocese of Wett, The Diocese of Drieden and the Diocese of Drusco.

    The Bishopric of Cistria will include all of Vandoria.


    Part II

    Expectations of each person in the Clergy

    In another attempt to improve activity within the Church His Holiness recognizes that the duties of an acolyte cannot be compared to duties of a Bishop and as such clear expectations for each member of the clergy have been listed below and are expected to be followed

    Acolyte: Give alms to the poor, collect donations, and write their thesis to be raised to the rank of Deacon

    Deacon: Give alms to the poor, collect donations, hold mass, and write their test to be raised to the rank of Priest should they intend to further their clerical journey

    Priest: Give alms to the poor, collect donations, hold mass, wed couples, hold funerals, baptize  children/converts, and hold confession

    Bishop/Archbishops: Give alms to the poor, collect donations, hold mass, hold funerals, baptize children/converts, manage diocese funds, recruit more clergy, ensure clergy is active, keep close relations with local nobility to ensure maximum Church spread. NOTE: Bishops are welcome, and encouraged to join their local noble’s court as an advisor or administrative role.


    Part III

    Saint’s Month Evaluations

    When is comes to religious affairs being given a title should not mean the person gets the title until death unless they deserve the title, and work for it. As such every saint’s month each Bishop will be evaluated in comparison to the priests in their area. Should the Bishop prove to be more slothful, or less capable than a certain priest the Bishop will be demoted to a priest and the other priest will be raised as the new Bishop. This is done in the hopes that every Saint’s month the Church is confident that they have the most capable person in the position.


    Part IV

    Bishop Weddings

    Bishops are very busy men, they have daily affairs to attend to which take a large portion of their time, they do this to serve the Church, and GOD in the best way possible, and make sure every aspect of the Church is working how it should be in every part of the realm. With that being said weddings can hinder the schedule of a Bishop and should be seen as a sign of the most holy, some people who have been married by Bishops have not donated a single mina to the Church and think they have the social right to be married by the best of our Church. To ensure the people being married by our Bishops are holy in intent they are to pay a donation of two hundred minas to the Church. Half of that specific donation will go directly to the Bishop and the other half will go to the Papacy.  Money that the Church gets goes towards a variety of things which are included, but not limited to. Paying clergy, giving papal guards food, board, and arms  so they may properly defend His Holiness against heathens/heretics who wish to harm him, building churches to spread GOD’s love to all, and many more things.


    Part V

    Felsen’s Tithe

    By the generous donation of the Lord Steward and His Imperial Majesty John II the city of Felsen has agreed to give ten percent of their taxes on the people to the Church so that the Church may fund the things mentioned above. Anyone looking to buy a home in the area is encouraged to live in Felsen so that they can rest easy knowing that their funds will help the Church in it’s future endeavours. Other cities and towns are encouraged to follow the prime example of a pious governing. The city is also gaining more clergy by the day to ensure Felsen can be well tended to for it’s population.


    Part VI

    Vice Chancellor

    With the removal of Enoch of Haense and Johannes de Ruyter from both the Synod and Curia a new Vice Chancellor has been selected; Perdono of Valenza is granted the most prestigious position on the curia so that he may administer the church in the absence of His Holiness   


    Part VII

    The Synod

    For too long members of the Synod have been lower than the Church standard. To ensure a proper neutrality in the church and synergy in the realm the three members chosen are from Istrian, Adrian, and Lorrainian descent. A proper amount of diversity within the Church is in everyone’s best interest and will keep the faith strong even in times of strife. The following people have been inducted into the sacred college of the Synod to serve his holiness. Noah of Brelus,  Charles of Felsen, and Alec of Monteford



    HIGH PONTIFF Tobias I, Archbishop of Luciensport, Prince-Bishop of Visiga, Huss, and Holofernes, Successor of the High Priesthood of the Church, Principal Missionary of the Gentiles, Supreme Pontiff of the Church of True Faith, Keeper of the Canon, High Servant to the Exalted's Testaments, Humble Servant of the Faithful and Vicar of God.

  4. It is with great disgust, and disappointment that  His holiness has to write this formal declaration of excommunication against former Archbishop of Cistria, Johannes de Ruyter not only because he was a trusted pentarch in the Synod, but also because We the Church considered Johannes a friend who was above the snake like politicians. Johannes de Ruyter was found guilty from specific proof from anonymous persons.  We find Johannes de Ruyter guilty of heresy, falsely accusing the emperor of opposing His Holiness, and plotting against the Vicar of GOD, High Pontiff Tobias I. Johannes de Ruyter was found saying the exact words “GOD will denounce this man(His Holiness) in time” during a time where he agreed to meet with someone to plot against His Holiness, and the Church.  May this be a letter of warning that anyone who plots against His Holiness will be found and will suffer the same fate.



    HIGH PONTIFF Tobias I, Archbishop of Luciensport, Prince-Bishop of Visiga, Huss, and Holofernes, Successor of the High Priesthood of the Church, Principal Missionary of the Gentiles, Supreme Pontiff of the Church of True Faith, Keeper of the Canon, High Servant to the Exalted's Testaments, Humble Servant of the Faithful and Vicar of God.







    The Pontifical arms of Tobias I


    Part I


    Due to the death of the late Emperor John I a new Emperor has been coronated and has been given divine right to rule over the Holy Oren Empire. The church blesses Emperor John II's ruling and wishes for many successful ruling years to come.


    Part II

    Diocese funding.

    Each Bishop is expected to give a sum of five hundred minas a saints week to His Holiness, they may collect this by masses, donations or any other moral means they choose, on top of the five hundred minas they must make sure their clergy is paid well and has a place to live. Discrepancies or failure to deliver  in any paperwork dealing with the money will be assumed as embezzlement either by malicious intent or sloth and will be dealt with accordingly.



    Part III

    Archbishopric of Metz

     A new Archbishop of Metz has been ordained.. Alec of Monteford has been raised with the title and will also serve as Nuncio of Oren. He will slowly be introduced to his new found duties before being evaluated for the fifth Synod position in a saints week. Should His Holiness pass before  the evaluation Alec of Monteford will be raised to the Synod position automatically to vote for the new High Pontiff. Alec of Monteford has shown to be an active and competent member of the clergy and will help bring the church activity expected to come from the Archbishopric of Metz, the highest populated diocese in Oren.


    Part IV

    The sacred grounds of all Cathedrals, and churches

    Tensions within the realm have risen to a peak, and as such His Holiness feels the need to remind all faithful that in no situation is ANY Canonist blood to ever be spilled within the sacred confines of a church’s walls regardless of any political situation. Murder over a petty rivalry, or political move is always condemned by the Church, but murder over these things in the churches of the faithful is sacrilege and will result in IMMEDIATE excommunication. Laymen walking solely, in a pair, or in a trio regardless of side in a time of strife may walk into the opposing party’s lands to go to a church for political immunity. They must say that is where they intend to go, and are allowed to be escorted to the church while guards stand outside each exit. Anyone found abusing this privilege will also be excommunicated. People using this pass may use their political immunity to hold meetings of peace, and to pray IF their prayer requires them to be in a specific location to feel closer to GOD.    



    HIGH PONTIFF Tobias I, Archbishop of Luciensport, Prince-Bishop of Visiga, Huss, and Holofernes, Successor of the High Priesthood of the Church, Principal Missionary of the Gentiles, Supreme Pontiff of the Church of True Faith, Keeper of the Canon, High Servant to the Exalted's Testaments, Humble Servant of the Faithful and Vicar of God.


  6. The coronation of John II was a private affair upon his insistence. Unannounced and unpublicized, the ceremony was attended by no more than twenty people aside from a smattering of Tennermen guards. At the end of the hall stood High Pontiff Tobias I, a cordial fellow of veteran clergy experience. He recounted canonical verses to the audience as John Sigismund Horen strood down the church aisle, nearly skipping in his gait. The choirboys blared out a joyous hymn that alerted many of the smallfolk to the proceedings in the Cathedral and many gathered about to witness the Prince of Alstion assume his throne.


    There, they would see before them a youth of twenty-seven, eyes sullen and bleak, his hair a mess brown and bestial. John Sigismund had upon himself a feral look of, yet it was well-concealed by the Pontiff’s choice of pomp and ceremony. In his hand rested a copy of Beezlebub’s Thomas Temper Tantrum; it was after much coaxing by the Duke of Marna that he was obliged to release it to one of the choir boys. Henceforth he stood before the altar as the High Pontiff claimed the Crown of the Exalted; the second crown associated by the Holy Orenian Empire, being worn by both the Third and Fourth Emperors. A circlet in truth, it later would be designated as a symbol for emperors who sought conquest and iron-hand in their reigns, as the illustrious Crown of Godfrey would for its regality and diplomacy. There, Tobias I recited vows as due the ceremony.


    “John Sigismund Horen - do you swear in the sight of the Creator, GOD most high, and his people to uphold the laws of Oren and the Faith?”




    “John Sigismund Horen- do you swear to forever protect the people of Oren, until your dying breath be it in battle or peace?”




    “John Sigismund Horen - do you swear to never falter in your conviction and fervour for the word of GOD, to uphold His word and Church?”




    “Then let thy hand be strengthened, and your right hand exalted. Let justice and judgement be the marks of thy reign and mercy and truth be held. ”


    Tobias rested the crown upon its due mantle and thus spoke



    “We name you John II, Holy Orenian Emperor and Defender of Faith.”


    Henceforth a loud ovation erupted from those witnessing the event, curious of to what fate this Emperor would face in the ominous days to come.


  7.   His Holiness, High Pontiff Tobias the first has decided that before the up coming siege a mass is to be held to thank GOD for our previous victories and to mourn the loss of our fallen brothers and sons. During the mass we will pray that we are victorious in fighting off the Heathens that hold that very fort so that they may see GOD is glorious. His Holiness will hold the mass in Felsen to ensure all can attend without having to make the longer trip to Luciensport as such all military leaders are expected to bring their forces to ensure we give proper thanks to GOD and mourn our losses in men and battles. Anyone not taking part of the siege is also welcome to come and pray for a Canonist victory as well. As all masses it is


     Deus Vult,


    Tobias I




    ((The mass will be held at 2:00 PM EST on Saturday. Don't forget to bring your donation money[Minas are not needed to attend, but appreciated]))


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    To be honest there is no doubt an influx of applications is on it's way. I really want to make sure quality control is at the highest it can be, and I am willing to take on that responsibility. I have had an interest in the AT before but now I think is a better time than ever to be a guardian of quality of control. I have been on this server since 2012 and know lore quite well for humans, Orcs, and Halflings. I am also very much willing to work with others I typically do well with that


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    Nope, that's all









    Section I

    Funus Pape

    due to the unexpected and recent death of His Holiness High Pontiff Lucien the third a new pope has been selected by the Synod, they have selected Archbishop Oliver of Brelus who has chosen the name of High Pontiff Tobias the first.


    Section II

    Divinae Regulae

    The lands of the Pious House d’Amaury are henceforth considered Holy grounds.  Lorraine has air blessed by GOD himself from and as such is a sign of Augustus of House d’Amaury’s divine right to rule over the lands along with the right of his family. Any and all claims to Lorraine of other houses are henceforth considered null

    Section III

    Plena Operatio

    A log book was the old way of keeping track of activity, it was effective in keeping everyone honestly away from sloth, but it felt like much more of a chore with a quota rather than the effectiveness of spreading GOD’s word. From now forward every clergy member is required to keep a journal of how they have spread the word of GOD that saint’s week. The minimum requirement will be similar to that of the old way (five confessions and a mass) however this is not the only way to spread the word of GOD and as such a few confessions can be substituted with proper almsgiving and charity or for Bishops the training and management of Acolytes, Deacons, and priests.


    Section IV

    The Synod

    With the passing of Archbishop Jarlath of Ayr Archbishop Perendono of Valenza will be reinstated into the Sacred College of The Synod on a trial basis to ensure that he is once again fit and prepared to take on the duty of Pentarch once more. At the moment only one member of the Synod will be added and one spot will remain vacant, in a case the His Holiness is to pass before a fifth pentarch is chosen a member of the clergy will be discussed to be a temporary member to ensure there is not a tie in the voting for the new High Pontiff. During this time all members of the Synod are encouraged to bring their suggested fifth pentarch to His Holiness with a variety of reasons on why they deserve the position.



    HIGH PONTIFF Tobias I, Archbishop of Luciensport, Prince-Bishop of Visiga, Huss, and Holofernes, Successor of the High Priesthood of the Church, Principal Missionary of the Gentiles, Supreme Pontiff of the Church of True Faith, Keeper of the Canon, High Servant to the Exalted's Testaments, Humble Servant of the Faithful and Vicar of God.

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