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Posts posted by LPT

  1. Notice:


    Mass will be held at  the Cathedral of Felsen in a couple days ((12:00 pm est))


    All faithful and interested in the Canon are welcome to attend. 



    Outline of Mass:


    ☩ Holy Procession


    ☩ Initial Rite


    ☩ Scripture Reading


    ☩ Homily


    ☩ Concluding Rite


    ☩ Donations


    ☩ Dismissal/After mass social



    ☩ Deus Magnus ☩

    - Father Oliver of Brelus -

  2. This all seems like pretty simple stuff that doesn't need LM approval. These are all ideas that can be proposed in game or said in game.  With that being said some people turn away from Orcs because of the language (Its not difficult, but some do) so you have to be careful when adding words that it doesn't become more complex with words that don't need to be complex.

  3. Hmm... Okay well I will say from knowing him for about 2 years he's quite ambitious I will give him that. I'll give him a +1 for that, but I really don't know how much he knows about lore or the server because I've never really role played with him. 

  4. Oliver sends a short letter to the pontiff 


    Dear your holiness it is with great honor I send a letter to you about the removal of the sloths of the faith. Your ideals are righteous and your mind is clear. I do however have one concern with the confession activity log. People who go to confessions often do not wish to have their name shared, and I can't in my right continence share their names either. I have had men and women come to me with tales of murder and thoughts of possible heresy who would not wish for anyone to know they even had to confess. Many of these people being high profile subjects of the empire. Should we have to release their names I ask that only the eyes of your holiness  may see the names and that your holiness treats them as if the person was confessing to them.


    In faith,

    Oliver Of Brelus

  5. 1 hour ago, Kahzo1 said:

    MC Name: Ghored


    IC Name: Daink (Previously Jared Blackfoot)


    Original Race [n/a if not applicable]: Dwarf


    Transformed Form: Harbinger


    Creator [mc name and ic name, n/a if not applicable]: N/A


    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature: Born as a clanless and wandering dwarf, Jared Blackfoot was an expert blacksmith that took great pride in his craft. He lived as a nomad traveling around the world of Anthos until he was found by the Golden Lance keeper Jack. Jack not only gave Jared a purpose in his life but put his blacksmithing skills to work as he began to train him and have him craft various aurum weaponry and armor. He would continue this until shortly after he was accepted into the small ranks of the Lance in which all of them prepared and trained for the great battle with Setherien to come. Not only would this battle turn out to be an utter disaster, the majority of the Lance present at the battle were corrupted and twisted into the very things they sought out to fight, Harbingers. Setherien's malevolent breath turned these valiant and noble knights into dark and cold beings which heeded his bidding. A shade of his former self Jared would now be known as Daink, a crude and ruthless ethereal being which sought to only manipulate and slaughter mortals. Upon the eventual death of Setherien however he along with his brothers, Gul'Thuul and Xort would remain together all feeding off of a small bloodshard they kept hidden away. Only now does he resurface to help his weakened brothers in their search for the Lost Drakaar- the one hope they have left.

    I think he was the only Harbinger I didn't hate... 10/10

  6. As you pass by the main street of the capital you notice a poster with some hand writing on it


    People of Oren, every day I walk the streets of the capital I see sorrow, I see poverty, and I see hunger. It is the duty as the children of GOD to feed the hungry and yet I also see many of the rich throwing out food that could be used to feed the impoverished and quite frankly it sickens me to see especially in a time where the head of the church, the High Pontiff is fasting so that he may be closer to god. I ask of you to drop any food you are not using in one of the baskets outside of the church in the capital. If you are not doing it for the poor do it for GOD.


    In faith,

    Deacon Oliver Blackwell II

  7. Dear your holiness I send this letter after reading great history of the church and the faith and the Blackwell family's very strong devotion. I was raised to follow God's path above all else and God's path has brought me here, I have studied as much as I can of the faith and want to grow more to become a priest within the the church. below I have attached my credentials, may your days be long and gracious I await the time where I may be able to kiss your ring.


    Name: Oliver Blackwell II

    Age: 24

    Birthplace: Adria

    Criminal Record: none

    [Mc Name]: Jaden568

    [skype (can send privately)]: jaden.whocares

  8. As Phaedrus reads the letter, he releases a small sigh, rubbing at the side of his face with closed eyes and a furrowed brow. In time he pens a response with ink, returning his own letter by the means in which the initial one was sent to him, whether bird or courier.




    I will not hide the fact that I find irony in the fact that you send a letter in an attempt to intimidate me. Using blood that browns, so it looks like you used your own feces. Threatening war alongside your apparent brothers rather than fighting me openly in a duel. Do you lack the courage that even a mere shara could muster? It certainly seems so.


    Perhaps it is because that you are so reliant on slaves that your arms are too weak and your shoulders too lithe to carry the burden that is, opposing me.


    Your ill wishes and incredibly uninspired threats are of no consequence to me. I will not make your life miserable, instead, I will make it brief. I extend to you an invitation to the arena, where we will fight to the death. Bring your best, you will need it.


    Rex Phaedrus'Yar"

    *Zabgub begins to write another letter, this time actually using fecis*


    Lat uzin' big blahz tu mayke lat zound smurter den krug am wurse den me uzin' blood. Mi du nub juzt wunt tu flat lat, mi wunt tu flat aneh ash whu disagreez with duh true culture ob duh urukz. Rezt assure mi will beh tuh ash tu flat lat, but iyt will nub beh wiyth mi bruddahs flattin' latz bruddahz. Evereh uruk whu nub agree wif slavery am ah whytewazh und wiyll be flat.

  9. Duh Rex thiynk iyt iz ah hosh idea tu remove snagaz... Duh rex am nub remembur ull ob duh historeh 'n lure th' capturing ob snagaz haz mayde fur teh uruk clanz. Snagaz ur ah pazt tyme ob duh urukz, and wull continue tu beh so iyf I die duing su. Bruddahz, stand wiyth meh 'n blah nub tu duh rex 


    *A bloody fist is stamped onto the paper, and the name Zabgub'Gorkill is written with the same blood*



    (( If you are interested in some conflict RP as an Orc msg me. on skype: Jaden.whocares))



    *A letter is sent to the Rex himself*


    Rex, lat am ah dishunurable skah. Alluw urukz tu hab snagaz ur mi und me bruddahs will klomp un duh desertz wiyth lat n latz bruddahz. Iyf lat luse n still blah nub mi wiyll mayke revulution tu mayke ah new rex... May latz lyfe 'n aftur lyfe beh mizzerabul.


    *A bloody fist is stamped onto the paper, and the name Zabgub'Gorkill is written with the same blood*


    ((Cosmic add Jaden.whocares on Skype, if there is conflict I'd like to work everything out with you in ooc so the conflict is a salt free as possible. :)  ))

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